13 Minutes of USEFUL League of Legends Information! Pt.4

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Today I cover 13 Minutes of USEFUL Information about League of Legends. This video includes tips and tricks for League of Legends. This is by no means a proguides or a lol guide, but after watching this video, hopefully you’ll learn something new that may help you in your next League of Legends game. There is information on your lol settings as well as gameplay. Anyways here is 13 minutes of USEFUL Information about league.

Edited By CaptainBrave!

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  1. would love to see something about FPS. i have a 3080/5800x at 1440p but my friends with 1060/1070 and similar cpu as mine at 1080p get the same or better fps than I do. Could be obvious with 1080 v 1440 but would like to hear what you think if possible.

  2. 0:51 its way better to use Deep Sea Thresh. The recall animation starts with him twirling the chain, being nigh identical to the Q animation. I think it might be banned in Pro for that reason

  3. 9:30 Since I am Akali Main I need to add something to this:
    If you are in a very sticky situation, make sure to teleport instantly after dropping shroud! If you do it too slow they see you after your W so they can kill or CC you. Also be aware of CC inside the Shroud since a random Morgana Q can stop you.

    2nd is: You can actually also teleport current your E2! This isn't useful at all but in some weird situations it can help or be funny.

  4. Ok I have to sub and like and comment after this vid! It's so good!

    I'm watching on 1.25x speed because I wanted to speed run through some of the facts but it made the vid soo funny! Especially the "I don't know how useful this will be" facts because I love those! But there's useful facts too! So it's just great overall and the 1.25x delivery had me dying laughing


  5. higher mastery points and higher winrate? Not really because every player I had in my ranked games with over 1 million points always acts like they are first timing this champ…

  6. Here's some adc info:

    Varus ult also detonates blight stacks so if you can, use 3 aa's before casting it.

    Ashe's Q can instantly get 5 stacks of carve on black cleaver so if the enemy is really tanky build that.

    With Jhin you can delay/reset the reload timer of your passive by using an abiliity. This way you can hold your 4th shot longer if you need to.

    Pressing E+Q together on Caitlyn will combine the animations, it's a nice combo I like to use.

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