Abilities That Were DELETED From League Of Legends

League of Legends has a loooooooong history of abilities that were known for being… PRETTY RIDICULOUS (and that’s putting it lightly). Today we’ll look through some of the most absurd abilities in league history!

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  1. Fuck Riot for not allowing people to choose to reefund their nunu skins. The reason you bought nunu bot was because it was a trash skin. That was the whole joke. Nunu, GP, Galio, Taric… never forget. They could have just made new champs…. they didn't have to kill my rare off supports! …and taric. I mained Taric.

    Edit** DUDE cALLED ME OLD. "none of us probably remember…" pshhh

  2. Tag team was removed because at the time people were much less willing to play ADC characters in other lanes, and it felt noncompetitive/outright bad in bot in comparison to other popular laners at the time (specifically Jinx, Ezreal, Vayne, Corki and Caitlyn, then later on Ashe when Ashe/Zyra became popular). The distinction between old Bird E and normal E is it didn’t bounce you away from them since Valor was melee.

  3. I've been playing League long enough to have been around for all of these. One important thing to note about Fiora's Blade Waltz is that it was very buggy. Often times it failed to actually deal damage, making it really inconsistent.

  4. Gangplanks raise morale was arguably the most broken ability in the game at the time. They way you described it, it doesn't sound all that bad. But when you consider how it influenced the lane it was huge. Gangplanks would not rush to lane. They would slowly walk to lane with the first wave and sacrifice their minions the whole way. So the enemy team would only get 2/6 minions. Then he would consistently deny them 2 minions per wave. This adds up to alot of gold but more importantly XP. Gangplank would hit level 6 when his opponent would be level 4. And then when you consider the old GP build was to go 5x avarice blades and just stack the gold while fishing for crits to harass it was bad. A level 8 gangplank harassing your level 5 lane opponent then just killing them. Without that lane opponent doing anything wrong. All the while, hes just stacking gold with the GP5 from his avarice blades. It would be common and expected for gangplank to leave lane 4 levels above his opponent and multiple items up (back then laning lasted much longer). And then he would just 1 shot people with parrrrleys.

  5. Old quinn was stronger because you could brawl as the bird and instantly get the movespeed back once you are out of combat. No channel, no mana cost. Also, birdos vault didnt knock the enemy champion back or perform the somersault that quinn does, it only did the damage and dashed to the target.

    Some abilities id like to see here are warwick old w and r, tristana old e (particularly with AP build), and maybe corki old q

  6. DotA 2 has a version of bladewaltz (or rather bladewaltz was a version of) Omnislash, its literally identical except it can jump to ANY random target in range including minions and has no target priority. It also doesn't deal bonus or special damage, its just auto attacks. Its pretty balanced. Riot should probably have stolen the ability wholesale instead of making their own broken version of it lmao

  7. Confirmed that GP could use his E on any allied minion including cannons

    Combine this with the cool-down being perfectly in sync with the cannon waves and you could effectively never get a cannon minion haha

  8. GP was hilarious. The strat was that you would wait by nexus for minions to spawn, kill the melee and follow the wave back to lane. You'd just keep executing the highest cost minions and the loss of gold would snowball. Not only that, you'd get to safely farm your lane at tower since their side would push to you faster.
    Poppy was a monster. You'd just have to buy sheen and a pile of Philosopher's stones. Your Q would deal double damage, you'd generate a mountain of gold and since your damage reduction was so high, you'd just heal through everything with all the Philosopher Stone increased health regen.

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