Bel’Veth is one of League’s newest champions, and like other modern day releases, is one of the most frustrating champions to deal with as an opponent. Interestingly she continues to receive nerf after nerf, yet despite that she maintains a solid 51%+ winrate without fail. Today we’ll be discussing her design and gameplay to find out why she stays strong no matter how many times she gets nerfed.
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#LeagueOfLegends #LoL #Belveth
Probably the ugliest champ Riot ever developed.
i think increasing the q cd and removing the q refresh on w would be a good start
These infinite scaling champs are becoming a menace lmaooo
i LOVE this champion
i hope you are happy that she will get another nerf… yeah and 52% winrate is broken… yeah… ofc… it needs to be 48% to be balanced… cannot be 52%, thats just too much… and 58% winrate?? OMG THAT WHOLE GAME IS JUST UNPLAYABLE OMG OMG
13:13 I noticed the doesn't get affected by slow form zilean, If they were to change that that would be really helpfull in terms of the mobility problem, obviously you can't slow it down to same percantage of the actual slow but maybe %50 to 60 percent of the slow to apply to the dash would be big
Why didnt you cover her true form? To me the real problem of bel'veth is her getting grubs and end in my inhibitor with 3000 minions breaking every tower in toplane because logically 1 toplaner cant just defend that
Senna and Bel'Veth are the perfect example of when you ask 'what if' too many times.
As a Nidalee Onetrick i just hate facing Master Yi 1 2 and 3. Master Yi, Briar and Bel`Veth are all no skill broken champs. Stupid damage reduction and right click to win is just not fun to play against.
do a Diana video pls.
Do a vid about Bard … its crazy that you havent do it yet 😅
i remember when she was coming out. i was so hyped for a new jungler, and the void QUEEN no less – a monster, a demon!
then they release this uninspired humanoid champ, that repeats if not exacerbates problems with other busted kits in the game. was incredibly disappointing.
I don't play her, because her ingame model is clunky, awkward and unappealing.
She's absolutely broken…
We should nerf Kassadin.
Well it fits her lore. Continue to thrive despite all riots nerfs. Learn , adapt, EVOLVE.
as a belveth player i think she is 100% fair and balanced. dont know what are you talking about… kappa
if her W has a long and very strong slow, why does it have a knockup? if its a slam down, why does it have a knockup? if she doesnt have much counterplay, WHY
is her CC totally unaffected by tenacity? so weird, and she is flat out my fav champ in the entire game, i just wish theyd fully remove some stuff (like why does she need out of combat movespeed on her ult, and why is the on-hit actual true damage???) and make her early game weaker
i also love that this garbage champ can build heartsteel too, so at some point, regardless of your damage output (which might be negligible bc of E anyway), will not be high enough to kill.
She is a almost like Kai'Sa in which she can build all Marksman or Bruiser OR Tank items she wants and she will come out on top.
But Kai'Sa dies. Bel'Veth does not.
She is a duelist with short distance dashes. Some people don't know to avoid duelist and suck at spacing. Lee Sin, Vi and Jarvan are high mobility champions, short and conditional dashes is not "high mobility". She punishes bad players and champion with low mobility. I play true high mobility champions and somtimes the enemy Belveth doesn't land a single hit on me until min 20. I aknowledge the champion's strenght but she doesn't have to tool to catch slippery players and she goes down pretty quick if you cc her at the right time. I main jungle since s2 and has never considered Belveth in my top 5-10 threats. Short conditional dashes can't catch you if you have half brain.
I would delete her dash, it's new active places a coral from her ult, though they add 3 or 4 seconds of evolution state.
The corals placed by her Q can stay in a spot for (2 min + attack speed% x 2 seg) before disappearing.
Her ult is now on the range of Yas ult.(Slightly less)
Ult is now unlocked lvl 1 and progression works like karma, however the buff from her ult only applies if the hability is tier 2 or higher (no special form until lvl 6). Her ult now makes her invulnerable during animation to damage only on tier 4 (lvl 16) intead of the beginning of the game
She now feels more tactical, more fair on the early game, feels more beatlike, instead of buglike. She now needs to set up to travel 4 screens, witch enemies can predict and play arround. She now has to figure out a way to condition enemy position to make use of her ult is usefull.
Kassadin and Recksai mixed, witch is what the character should have been since the beginning.
Her strategy now feels like an emperor.
Riot doesn't play their game imagine my shock.
When you design a champ that even the most counter pick champ (in this case rammus) can't easily deal with her, that's a big design flaw
I hate this champ. Not sure what riot were thinking giving her this many dashes. Them being in 4 different directions barely matters when they're basically 2 in one direction due to how generous the angles are. Why did her E used to give her SEVENTY percent DR? That is insane. Why why why why
Even if they can't nerf her Q, they can remove the hard CC on her E. Just make it a strong, decaying slow or something.
Jng dif, go next.
Lol I almost forgot about Irelias 5 movement speed nerf 💀 Irelia mains defended that with their lives and said it was a huge nerf
Atk speed scaling combined with a kit that allows her to have a descent early game while being a scaling champion meaning her late game is disgustingly powerful. I don't see the problem here 😅
Player base: please Nerf Bel veth
Riot: -5 ms, take it or leave it
Shes the fekin queen of overloaded. She's simple as fuck to play but they've mounted like, 40 bonuses to her. So strange
Huge Bel'veth enthusiast, I think one of the best champions in the game for gameplay FEEL. That being said, she's totally off kilter in terms of balance. I have an idea for bringing her in-line with other jungle champions. Namely, she's in a class of her own; a predator jungler that can hyper-carry through farming if she so choosed. These two things should be mutually exclusive. The trait that needs to be toned down out of the two would be her early game power. During a level 1 skirmish, Q->AA->Q is just over 300% base AD damage worst case, and of course as anyone would tell you, if she can get a full Q rotation on you it's almost always a losing fight. Riot tries to balance that by having her have one of the lowest base AD values in the game, but 300% of the lowest AD value is still over any damage output of other champions at level 1. Some champs like Warwick or Trundle can outheal your damage and Rammus is still tanky enough at this point in the game with W start to fight a 1v1 level 1 invade. Graves and Kindred might be able to do it, but you get my point. Here's my solution:
base form Bel'veth Q only damages Monsters and Minions.
I also think base form Bel'veth Q could do reduced damage to champions and with some tweeking, you could bring that 300% AD baseline rotation down to like 175-200% AD. She'd still have some 1v1 potential if she can extend the fight to have a full Q rotation + AAs, but as it stands, the damage could be toned down. In this hypothetical, almost everything about her playstyle would be preserved, but there would be an obvious counterplay; invade her. Her ganks would still be good with W cc and Q gap closing, Mid game would be fine because Ult form Bel'veth would have her Q damage preserved, and lategame you should feel powerful split pushing. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk, make her base form Q deal reduced/no damage to champions and I think we're cooking.
Gotta love how Bel'Veth's kit is already omega overloaded and Riot still had to let her ult spawn minions for absolutely no reason.
You probably hear it all the time but my issue with Bel'veth is that when I play her, my teams consistently have no fucking clue how to play with a hypercarry jungler on their team, and when she's on the enemy team I guess my teams always think she's a late game champ right? So they just ignore her and either give up objectives for no reason or die to super easy and obvious ganks. This is most often despite my attempts to tell them otherwise via chat/pings. Normally I'd say this is in silver elo, but recently I managed to (briefly) break into Plat and boy lemme tell you… Players are still fucking morons even in Plat. 90% of the players there probably just won a few coinflips in a row in the ELO lottery. :/
the eclipse black cleaver cobo is the worst example u couldve chosen since black cleaver gives armor penetration which scales the pasive and stats from eclipse XD
As someone why main Bel'Veth she is totally not OP and not one of the strongest champions.
But on a real note, 2 reasonable ways to nerf the champion without ruining the feeling of the champion would be:
1. Remove bonus attack speed for 2 attacks after using a ability (yes, that actually is a passive of Bel'Veth) or at least do not make it stack to 6 attacks, so that you have to play around using the auto attacks more carefully (that would increase the skill sealing, and make the champion weaker early when she more relies on this AS)
2. Make her lose some bonus AS the less dashes she has up, lets say for every cardinal direction dash she has on cooldown she has 5% less bonus AS. That would make her scaling not as strong late and using up dashes to chase would be more risky.
BONUS: Rotate the dash directions by 45 degrees. Right now the dash directions are aligned with the map, so making the dashes rotated would make most chasing scenarios harder, because they would be in a odd angle. You would not be able to use 1 dash to cower max distance, instead you would be using up 2 dashes
Take away her knock up
I really wish Riot would just admit defeat with Belveth and other champs like her. If its not good for the game remove it and try again. Its like they dont want to rework these newer champions just because it would look embarrassing so we have to deal with poorly designed champions covered in band-aid fixes.
just a thought but could they on hard cc make her q's go on cooldown kinda like yummi w
that way if you play perfectly you still feel strong but if not you show your weakness
One of the champions of the past 200 years.
I was wondering why broxah rated her a S class jungler, I get it now
Siri and velvet might one day be the next gangplank lol, changing topic i wonder if ppl still rember azir used to have a knock up which was gutted after riot had no option but to remove it l, no matter hoe many rize situation appears through the years riot keeps repeating it over and over over.
She alone must be the reason why lethal tempo is getting removed
"She is the only on hit melee champion with hard cc"
Nocturne hiding in the shadows…"darkneesssss"
To me the worst of belveth isn't he damage, or her tankyness, or even her dashes. It's her evasion midfight granter her regen and her stupidly OP minions. ZZrot and banner of command were destroyed because OP, Yorick's minions either die in 2 shot (and don't really push) or is the ult defining him, same for heimer, etc.. Belveth ? it's an afterthough in her kit, but is totally unpushable if you are not a sivir (in which case goodluck because she WILL get to your guts)
That's why she's laughing after she uses her abilities.
Bel veth support” double q in. Knock up then q out. Help out at void pit and siege top.
So that's what happens when you give a modern champ with a thousand dashes an old fashioned infinite scaling passive 😂 dude imagine a Nasus with 4 dashes
I think a particularly elegant way to fix belveth would be to integrate her stacking with her summons (void remora). that part of her kit always felt tacked on but with the rift changes this season (the void corruption), now's the perfect opportunity to pull something like this off. my take is: where she would normally gain lavender from minion/camp/champ takedowns (or be in the vicinity of their deaths), she gains a stack that corresponds to a summon. epic monsters, dragons, herald, baron give increased stacks and the eventual corruption of camps also increases that amount. champions and minions levelling up also do. so in a sense, her scaling is still there as the game progresses. And based on the amount of summons she has stored, she gains attack speed. but alternatively, she can release her summons all at once, at the expense of her bonuses. there would be a cap of some sort increasing with her level and an extra bonus when its full, along with her attack speed buff being retained (possibly with even better ratios) while in proximity of the horde she summoned, but after it's all been cleared, she's properly and substantially weaker. this kind of back and forth would give a lot more dimensionality of her play and also works wonderfully into the aesthetic of "growing the presence of the void". so now she's a proper monster champ you either confront (counterjungle) to make sure she doesn't stack too much or run from for the same reason, and there's better tension since her uptime isn't 100%. it rewards the belveth player for being smart about her pathing and encourages smart objective play. having an upper limit to her stacking would also balance her out and tying it to her summons would create an interesting minigame for the enemy team where clearing out the void remora will weaken her in a fight but they need to balance it with fighting the actual champion
They should basically limit her endless attack speed passive to when she's on ult and only when she kills epic monsters, I don't see normal a bel'veth with 5.00 attack speed by the face without any punishment
I stopped playing League a while ago, but still watch your videos. BelVeth was not the sole reason to uninstall the game, but she definitely helped. Feels like a champ designed with "PvE mindset", forgetting than in multiplayer game you just can't give every tool to a character