HOW TO CLIMB EACH RANK & ESCAPE YOUR ELO – League of Legends Season 13

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0:00 Intro
1:21 Iron
5:24 Bronze
6:15 Silver
6:54 Gold
7:58 Platinum
8:59 Diamond
10:10 Master+
11:15 Outro

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  1. This would make sense if it weren't for the fact that so many bronze and silver players are not even really bronze and silver. They are a bunch of smurfs and many of them are duo queue

  2. Its funny that the added elo, emerald, don't need them to do a new video because you actually see every single behaviour for each elo all together reunited in emerald without exception and nothing more

  3. I know the mechanics and how to play every champion in every lane. But it's not my problem. I always have at least one AFK player in my team, two who feed and brawl and one who just trolls. So the whole game stays on me. So ranked rules are very stupid to me and I read your stories about how to play better, when the game does not depend on the individual. Although it could be solved on the basis of CS score and KDA, and based on that, progress in the ranked regardless of the bad team. Everything else is fairy tales for small children.

  4. Im in iron/bronze, and this is bs. People understand very much wave management, they go for objectives etc etc. People arent stupid and even if they are not the best, they are not super bad. There is nothing here that really helps to climb imo

  5. I got in gold3, i never saw more bronze players in ranked , and stupidity of players hold me back, did riot got confused this year? and put gold and bronze 2gether

  6. Not gonna lie, kind of a bad vid by you guys. Honestly the best way to speed run diamond is just to just learn wave management as a solo or a jungler.

    This teaches you when to play forward or not, and how to know when a lane is strong or vulnerable. It lets you stop mass feeding and get fed yourself regardless of matchup since nobody in the lower brackets is even aware of most lane concepts.

    You dont even really need macro if you are fed the majority of your games and just aram with your teammates naturally having the most gold in the game EVERY game you will win more than you lose.

    Once you actually reach tiers like emerald+ you can start to refine your macro and play a team game.

  7. Im master and ngl the game is kinda luck based. I just dont int and have a good understanding of the game and have been getting really good win streaks because of my teammates. If i were to start over in bronze/silver im sure it would it take me ages to climb out (if at all) without reliable teammates.

  8. This is sadly bs… i've played multiple games where i played safe, i end the game with the highest damage, least deaths.. If you are just unlucky enough to constantly get teams that fail, there's no way around it and even if ure pulling your weight to the best of your ability, cant stop 4 players from surrendering… Think you atleast need to be duo.. Last game I kept jax top with me, he was behind and out of the picture so it wasnt like i was pulling a Nasus and forcing my team to 4v5… it really can be out of your hands if your team just snowballs hard in the first 10 minutes and its happened to me 5 times in a row… one of the matches.. team died 22 times.. i died ONCE… :/

  9. 4 year long Iron player here. These tipps of yours are worthless. Having 8.4 CS/min is normal for me. Yone OTP here 200+ games with KDA beeing always between 2 and 9. Prefering to splitpush is a crutial mistake, as pure team combs can have certain prefered playstyles. (like splitpushing or teamfighting) One needs to identify those playstiles and react accordingly. The Idea that you can easily splitpush is extremely undifferentiated. Most of the time warding and knowing where to ward is essential when it comes to this. Also, more often than not, you need to have an eye out for map preasure, if you are the only one visible to the enemy team because ProGuides said go splitpush, they'll just come with 3 people to kill you. Speaking of all chat taunting, this is encuraging people towards saying negative things or beeing not nice. As such it's bannable. Doing all the objectives is again to undifferentiated. Objectives have different values and sometimes even at different times of the game. Towers for example aren't worth as much as they are in the lategame, because of the non existend tower plaitings. Elder is worth more than nash and so on.

    All the tipps you provided for iron players are either not helpfull or to undifferentiated. Next time, try dedicating a bit more of your time towards those, who are in the lower ranks.

  10. i had a very fun game today playing APC Veigar and beeing the only one fed on my team while Top was 0/7 My Supp 3/13 my Jung 7/7 and my Mid also 12/8 or smth and i had 1500 AP those people were still not able to play arround me to win the game because they were Inting so hard. Just a beautiful ranked experience

  11. None of these tips can prevent your teammates from feeding, trolling, griefing, raging, rage-quitting, flaming. And no matter how well you play your champ you simply cant achieve the level of feed you would need to handle that morde top that hit 10 kills in min 9 cuz your top is running it down because of one bad gank.

  12. how to get out of gold: utility/engage ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  13. From Iron to Silver The best way is to play a champ that most bronze players dont play and has few counters, my friend used Illaio as her main counters are morde a and yorick. Its a great champ that can go 1 vs 5 and some situations and you just hope that enemy is not to much fed. Silvers is the hardes because there are mane boosted players that just troll the games its all about to play the meta picks, understand when to play weak side and when strong side and have a decent duo partner.

  14. You forgot that in low elo, no one understands that if you don鈥檛 use your advantage to get your jungler or other lanes ahead, you make it a coin flip in team fights – and that鈥檚 your fault for not roaming with priority. Everyone is just blaming their other laners for feeding someone lol

  15. I've played some games in broze, I shit you not they are harder than gold/plat games. If you flip the bad team you ain't winning unless your master+. You'll stomp lane then after 12 minutes a 18 kill tristana will 1shot you because your botlane just ran it down lol.

  16. To be fair looking at the percentages iron and bronze are low elo (roughly 33% of the ranked player base), silver and gold are mid elo (a bit more than 33% of the player base in ranked) and the plat+ is high elo (the roughly 33% left).

  17. How to climb? Have normal team mates… Every solo/duo game have a lane inting even when you win your lane, I made enemy bot 0/11 as Pyke and they won cause my top/mid inted hard…

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