NEW BOOTS & ITEMS 2024 – League of Legends

NEW BOOTS & ITEMS 2024 – League of Legends. We just got a lot of new items, removed items, new boots, changed items, from boots that boost your recall speed to Zephyr coming back, ADC items changes, Stormrazor removed and more! LoL Season 2024 Split 2 item changes.

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  1. i just want to point out that Phantom dancer lost it's passive that was giving stacking bonus attack speed, so it's basically nerfed, it gives 2% more movement speed, but the attack speed is not better, it's just immediate, you don't have to stack it, but with adcs that really on attack speed it's either stacked or they're dead

  2. "blade of the ruined king got buffed in every stat"
    The passive got nerfed – On hit dmg for melee 12% –> 9%, for ranged 9% –> 6%

  3. think this is going to be bad for some of the ADC items, BT has no crit now so its gone and shieldbow has no lifesteal, KS has zero crit on it aswell so its gone, LDR is bad now the 15% dmg was massive for taking down tanks late game, navori has no AD on it as well as Rapid firecannon, the peck on runaans seems whatever, removing stormrazor like???? The new wildarrows seems okay i can see jhins taking it. Reversing the crit change back to 25% seems good for adcs but this might be messing with other non-adc crit champs.

  4. Ms on Kraken Slayer is gonna be great as an AD jungling item. Champs like Vi and Xin who rely on autos and like to gank will be even better at duelling. MS boosts on items are so good for junglers and AD champs needed more since so many AP items give 8% Bonus MS

  5. Every single one of these items is finally what I've been needing to buy in my ADC games on very various champions. That being said, I don't plan on reinstalling LoL anytime soon. F*** Riot Games.

  6. new boots are going to be broken as shit. the balance team has to be all jg and support mains, and everyone's gonna cry about how jungle's too overpowered again

  7. Happy I uninstalled the game right before this trash coming into the game !
    Last patch Riot already ruined the game making ADC totally broken with 35% armor penetration on their items while removing from Buisers Eclipse and not allowing them to build %armor penetration + Black cleaver.
    Champions like Rhaast and Aatrox which are meant to be anti tanks are forced into lethality items making them slow assassins and if you are dumb enough to build bruiser items by the time you make a tank go under 50% HP the enemy team has the time to come from the otherside of the map to kill you..
    They also nerfed Kayn again by removing the Q + Tiamat interaction from the game.
    And now obviously they give even more armor penetration to ADC's and an enormous about of movement speed, as if they didn't have already enough..
    League literally has become a game of tanks and ADC's, and they make it even worse now since ADC's only need 4 crit items, which allows them to build GA for while still having 100% crit rate, good job Riot.
    And I wonder bruisers like Mordekaiser, Darius, Sett are going to deal with ADC's now with this new berserker grieves buff, Top lane meta in going to become again a ADC Meta and they have 0 chances of catching them now, and obviously ADC's now are the only class that can have 6 items while having more movement speed of every other class with Boots.
    They even nerfed swiftness so that even with that bruisers and assassins can't catch up.
    ADC's are already the strongest class since they don't have to aim shit and can kill people by simply clicking on the from range, and now nobody can't catch them too.
    Anyway this helps me to keep my resolution to never come back to this horrible game, so thank you.

  8. THEY. REMOVED. MINION. DEMATERIALIZER. OH HOW EXCITED THIS MAKES ME! Literally always added as a rune suggestion and I'd forget to remove it, I just don't find it useful. There are other runes much more useful than this.

  9. Im really hyped for this, it seems like a huge midyear change i mean everything!! The recall the boots, all of the atack speed on all of these items, the rune removed omgg it feels like they are trying to make the game faster

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