NEW UPDATED TIER LIST for PATCH 14.2 – League of Legends


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0:00 – Introduction
0:51 – Top Changes
1:35 – Top Tier List
2:51 – Jungle Changes
4:08 – Jungle Tier List
5:00 – Mid Changes
5:48 – Mid Tier List
6:35 – ADC Changes
7:08 – ADC Tier List
8:15 – Support Changes
8:54 – Support Tier List
9:40 – SkillCapped & Outro

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  1. Who cares? This is pay to win game. Impossible to win a single game anymore and im pro level player. zero mid and zero jg over and over and over again. Total waste of time this pay to win game. They match you with zero skill players if you dont donate.

  2. I knew trundle got buffed. I legit felt it every time he qd me im thinking wait what something doesnt feel right. He wasn't that as oppressive before

  3. I always wonder why Yuumi is considered C tier while her heals and shields are quite good and amount of buffs she gives is sick… bonus AS, bonus on hit dmg, on hit healing she even restores mana. She also have bonus healing/shield power from her W and she does not need to build boots so that means she can have far more healing/shielding power than rest of the enchanters.

  4. her % dmg being true damage, it igniores resistance, so she doesn't take that much adventage from the changes. I mean less than other %HP dmg champs.

  5. As a Trundle Main, he has been weak for a while after the Worlds series a season or 2 ago and I am so happy he is so strong screw all of you that are mad about it you wouldnt understand the struggle. Just learn how to bait the R you morons.

  6. How tf is Talon mid good when he loses to almost every person on this entire list 😫 you have any combination of 2-3 of these champs and he hates his life. I’m not the best talon by any means but I was top 500 which like 8% or so I don’t get it. Every like high tier champ that’s good rn has such overwhelming amount of ways to deal with him. Like genuinely peek thru the list and tell me a situation he should thrive in…

  7. Oh common… You're really saying that brand is now stronger than the 1v9 monster kitty that is rengar? and on the same level as the 1v9 predatory deer?

    I must say.. I'm having trouble seeing this pan out realistically in game. It sounds super hypothetical.

  8. What's the reason for, in jungle, choosing to not ban either of the 2 OP champions and instead banning 2 S tiers and 1 A tier? If they have such good win rates wouldn't it make more sense to ban Lilia/Brand instead of Briar/Nocturne/Evelyn?

  9. why did they buff the most popular and frustrating to play against adc? ez had low winrate but does that matter when his pickrate was tru the roof? now he will be in every single game…

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