Riot is Trying to Remove This Role from League of Legends…

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  1. Screw it, terrible role and attracts prime autism. Having the "carry" role attached to this one specific auto-attack playstyle was bound to fail to begin with. Dota did it better
    I hate both games btw

  2. Good news for you, ADC trash!! Riot now has plans to nerf fighters, tanks, some items that synergize with bruisers and assasins, supports and jungle. They overbuffed ADC ITEMS!

    Next goal: You must be vocal about giving ADC + 45 armor and magic resist in level 1 while every adc must start with 850 hp.

  3. the role btw is bot lane cary. ADCs are a class of champs and are extremely strong for ever!!! Bot is now a lane with a variety of optios as it should be. Just so many players refuse to adapt to the game and roam, rotate and play agreesive. ADC players are know to be the worst at adapting to changes every season. THey are know to bitch every season even the seasons their role is blatantly OP

  4. One reason Adc became irrelevant was the change to allow ap characters to just rip towers apart because they have so much ap. Adcs are no longer needed for objectives anymore and thusly they don't need to be protected in teamfights.

  5. Honestly disagree a lot. I've mained ADC for 11 years, I'm Master tier and don't struggle to have an impact on the game. Most botlaners pick useless champs like AP Kaisa or outright refuse to buy defensive items stating that they'd rather do damage except you don't do any damage when you're dead.

  6. why dont u guys see the problem is ability haste… the entire benefit to being ranged auto attacker is u have consistent dmg outside of ur cooldowns, yeah that doesnt really matter anymore when every ability is 3 sec cd and perma spamming infinite mana and both team has 5 blue buffs

    just part of why i enjoyed old league more, much higher cooldowns, much less mobility.

  7. The role just needs to be broadened from being a carry to something more like top lane. Maybe the role of support needs to change from just auto babysitting a weak early game champ in bot lane, to just roaming from lane to lane like jungle? But the game needs to change a lot for that. There is just so little flexibility in the role because it’s so defined, I feel that needs to change somehow.

  8. "they kept buffing support and nerfing adc" bro support being buffed isn't the direct cause of them nerfing adc, also for the past decade it's been the other way around and carrying as a support that isn't a tank or an adc in disguise (senna) is nightmare fuel

    you could complain about how broken assasin and bruiser items are and have been this whole past year but no you gotta complain about your ally that heals and shields you being somewhat playable

  9. So i tried to play adc and now i don't want to play adc ever again. Play any other role or champ or you will lose your humanity !

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