Smolder Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends

Say hello to the most splendiferous dragon you’ll ever meet: Smolder, the Fiery Fledgling!

Smolder Ability Rundown Page:

Smolder Champion Insights:

Smolder Champion Teaser:

Smolder Champion Trailer:

Smolder Champion Theme:

Smolder Universe Bio:

Smolder Champion Page:

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  1. "Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt" – Spyro knock-off… get some original ideals Riot. Samira was bad enough but now you got to rip from other games too?

  2. His face is too human. And the execution ability should just be on his ult. And I don't think you should give a warning with the ult. Just have everyone hear it or no one. But other than that he looks like a good champ

  3. Oh dang! Wait these formats of the spotlights are amazing, I haven’t watched in a minute but showing the comparable champions and discussing the type of player it might be viable for is new to these (for me) and a great addition for a game like this.

    Thanks for adapting to the times! I noticed it 🙂

  4. Smolder🐉3,000 HP💪Build tank🤷Build mage💦Build ad🏹Build everything🛍Fly over walls🧱%Hp true damage💥Burns too🔥Infinite scaling📈Elder💀Point and click AOE🖱Has mom🐉

  5. Ive been away from LOL for a bit…I come back and see this nonsense. Even worse, is the script. Is the announcer talking to 12 year olds from the early 2000s? Jesus….

  6. Adding more champs for more bugs. I can't see the appeal of a Veigar ADR. You should have fixed the glitches on your game than adding more of it.

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