The COMPLETE Beginners Guide to JUNGLE for SEASON 14 – League of Legends


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0:00 – Introduction
1:18 – Picking a Champion
2:40 – Jungle Pets
4:31 – How to Jungle Clear
5:23 – Beginner Jungle Routes
8:14 – Which Lane to Gank?
10:28 – Ganking Tips
12:17 – Pathing Tips
14:45 – Objectives
18:14 – Invading
19:26 – Outro

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  1. A little advice for new junglers. If the opponent is also a fairly new jungler (an Iron), they will probably use the recommended path to finish their jungle and will try to clear all the camps. This means you can steal the top of their jungle with almost no opposition. Then retreat to your own jungle and complete the main monsters and some of the minor camps. If you manage to make camps efficiently, in this order, you will be at the bottom of the map when the dragon appears and with a level advantage over the rival jungler.

  2. I play league daily, and I never knew that Rift Herald opens an "eye" on his back, that you can hit to deal huge damage.
    I always assumed you only need to attack him from behind.

  3. not new, but made a smurf acc as a Nunu one trick to learn jg. i felt like i always got outplayed or flat-out matchmade against mastery 7 and/or emerald junglers on my main, it was SOOO frustrating to not be able to learn a role bc of league's shitty matchmaking. this helped out so much, ty!

  4. I'm a new player and i just wanna say that this is really helpful. literally didnt know a quarter of this stuff before watching this, and the routes/strats actually helped me better understand other aspects about the games as well. Great tutorial vid, thank you!

  5. ive been playing since the beginning of s2 and this is the first time I'm tempted to try out some jungling. thanks for simplifying a role I always thought about as 7D chess against god

  6. As a first week player in 2024 trying jungle is fun but insanely difficult and gamesense heavy. this is gonna severely help now that I have a semblance of understanding 😂

  7. Just had a Twitch Top “open lane” against a Jax in under 4min. He lost 6 ranked games in a row before Riot put him in my promos for Gold, and he had an 21% WR!! According to the guide, he should’ve bullied Jax and won lane as a ranged vs melee matchup. Instead twitch rages, abandons lane, and griefs his allies camps/ minion waves/ KSing w/ poison, while his opponent and enemy JG pretty much get to live rent free Top Lane and Top Quadrant. This player was supposedly gold and sabotaged my Jungle Tempo and any chances to secure early objectives. Bare basics is easy, but how do I carry degenerate teammates actively throwing games as a jungler in Solo Queue Ranked??? I tried avoiding the Top Jax (2 levels above me), tried map swapping, counter jungling whenever enemy jungle showed up on opposite side of map, and tried focusing on farm and winning lanes just to stay relevant, but League’s Level disparity between roles means I don’t become a champ until mid-Late Game whenever Jungle gets cheesed to oblivion. Enemy always had 2-3 Pink wards in my top quadrant. That’s 8-12 seconds just to deny vision and you give away your position to the enemy. Frick’n sucks!!

  8. Really cheese interaction but. I main fiddlesticks, goto grubs right when they spawn if they try to fight you, those little spawns coming in will just about heal you fully each time you use W, so you basically cant even be contested when your on it * as long as you dont get stunned during channel*

  9. Question for really anyone. I’m just recently starting to pick up the game and have been enjoying playing Bel’veth. One thing, though, is: what do I do about the enemy jungler? I’m starting to get used to when each champion is strong, so I typically try to challenge them when they’re weak, which usually works okay. But how do I prevent them from challenging me? It’s not uncommon for me to die to a strong early game champion because they chose to duel me in the early game or a late game champion in the late game. Are there any tricks to avoiding this?

  10. For some unknown reason I started playing league as jungle since my 9 friends that played league none of them played jungle so I was some what thrown in the deep end in like like plat mmr which wasn’t easy but guides like this definitely helped at the time now I’m no where near an average player I’ve only had about 150 hrs and I main Viego so if anyone has any tips I’m sure it would be great for me and other new players❤️

  11. 10:15
    pyke vs yuumi…
    if pyke aphelios dont get poked constantly by lucians q and yuumis q they could play more aggressively but lucian has a really strong early game. if it wasnt an aphelios but a kaisa or cait instead, then the statement of: because its ranged vs melee supp wouldnt be true. supp matchups are like rock paper scissors.

    all in beats sustain, sustain beats poke, poke beats all in.

    Yuumi vs pyke: if pyke manages to hit his hook and therefore get his full combo off, it can often result in a kill, depending on the adc. yuumi can prevent that all in by poking pyke down to lower his hp. resulting in a higher risk for pyke to go in since pyke is likely to die.

  12. I say this dont jungle because of this excuse "farming minions is hard in lane", "i cant cs for $#!?"……learning to lane is the fundamentals and help you be a better laner that can eventually make you understand jungling better same a s support

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