Vanguard is BRICKING PCs people claim

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  1. Issue is, its not safe to give Riot Games the access of your System's Bios through Vanguard, especially when Riot Games is completely owned by Tencent, China, means by CCP.

    Seems like it's the end of League of Legends. It's been good 10 years of league. But i will miss Aram a lot. But can't risk my system especially when my entire Designing and editing work is done on it.

  2. Most people already know the aram modifiers, and they already bully for it too. It wouldn't be hard to make the modifiers only visible to whoever is hovering the champ. Lame excuses.

  3. Hey everyone, just wanted to share my experience dealing with Riot Games' Vanguard anti-cheat system and the censorship I faced on their subreddit. I raised concerns about Vanguard's continuous background operation and possible privacy implications, only to find my post deleted and myself banned from the subreddit. It's disheartening when genuine concerns are silenced like this. Anyone else encountered similar issues?

  4. Vanguard makes minisforum u790 pro minipc kind of useless stuttering unless u turn off vanguard but then u can't play only a few mins then it moans about vanguard / Also low level kernel driver? nah I'm done with lol and I'm playing since 2009

  5. Vanguard apparently gets access to certain features on your PC
    After the update i can no longer play League, it tells me to activate TPM on BIOS, which is super dangerous to mess with your BIOS, so now i have to call my tech guy to activate stuff on my PC which i did the next day, he almost freaked out on me, he told me if i knew what Kernel Access was, i said NOPE, he told me im giving access to Vanguard to monitor my screen, even your copy/paste, it also takes screenshots of your activities , he also told me my IP was probably exposed, so if a hacker does hacks Vanguard a lot of us are gonna be in serious trouble.
    Vanguard also made my PC super slow, i have a RTX 3060 and my CPU skyrocketed, so the tech guy said he won´t be activating TPM, as it may brick my PC, so he uninstalled Vanguard and recover from last Windows Update, then my PC was running smooth again.

    BE CAREFUL if you still playing league, Riot may mess up your PC, its been a fun 7 years, but i guess this is where i stop.
    Good luck to all of you still playing.

  6. They should just take all the balance buffs out of aram. They do not solve the problem, they just pick the winners based on which champion won the lottery for that patch. Anyone remember darius with +50% healing buffs? Yeah he was auto win as fuck. That buff sure as fuck made the problem WORSE.

  7. I gotta say, thank you for covering the vanguard shitstorm even tho it's not the main focus of the channel. You're fighting the good fight.

  8. Idk what kind of problems these people have, there are lots of internet cafes on windows 10 with A-series CPUs like a4 amd APU (no gpu) running this Vanguard LoL without any issues

  9. My BIOS time went from 17 seconds to 59 seconds according to Task Manager after the restart I had to do once Vanguard installed yesterday. When my PC FINALLY booted up, I was met with Vanguard saying that it stopped an audio driver from loading on boot. This audio driver is due to my motherboard being ASUS. I googled this, and this was reported multiple times 2 YEARS AGO!
    I could get banned from a video game because of an AUDIO DRIVER! I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but Vanguard is incredibly suspect. I do not trust it at all after my literal initial experience.

    I immediately uninstalled Vanguard, League, and Riot Client. About time, too. I have been playing League since Season 1. I'm thinking about selling my account for a couple grand, as I highly doubt Riot will ever backtrack Vanguard, nor do I have any faith in them to sort it out. No video game has the right to this level of access on my own machine. To Riot and anyone who thinks this is fine: get a grip!

  10. Idk, I was already sceptical about Vanguard and didn't update my game, but with all the issues people are reporting now, I don't think I will be playing League anymore. Maybe I'll get an old Laptop or something to install League with Vanguard on, but I will definitely not be installing that on my main System. I really hope this dumb anti cheat wont be the end of my now almost 12 year long League carreer.

  11. Thank god i did not updated Lol Crap client yet. I think i will give up that hell game for a while XD
    My Pc was worth to much to be bricked becasue of shit Rito who cant make proper Client for a game that popular and Old

  12. When it comes to the champ modifier topic, the same can be said for runes. When I pick certain runes, they are claimed to provide a certain bonus at a certain percentage, but they end up being nerfed in-game on ARAM. They should definitely have the correct stats displayed when you are in ARAM champ select.

  13. For me it interfered with the g skill trident z rgb Software turning it into a blue screen with the error,, attempted to write on read only memory"

    Ye nah current season is trash anyways + next patch looks like shit with the removal of most of the tenacity and slow resist. So I guess thx riot for breaking me free of the addiction

  14. There was a league error message for a long time that prevented me from playing the game with no clear methods of fixing the issue or efforts to address it. I'm not surprised theres a lack of information on how to fix Vanguard-related issues. Most discussion is people just saying "It just works" while immensely downplaying people who are having issues.

    Fans need to realize, that people bring up issues, cause people care and want them fixed, its not an attack.

  15. Riot made a post about the status of Vanguard, in which they flat out said "We have not had a single verified instance of a PC bricking". They also acknowledged that something like 0.15% of the players had issues that they are working on resolving.

  16. its ironic how that works because before if you were the one who afk'd in aram you actually get your reroll back but not the rest of ur team

  17. I just woke up to my computer running and fans going pretty good. I use shut down so it never has turned on by itself before. Now im considering actually deleting league and everything. Im making my own game and I dont know if I trust this company to not just steal my ideas. So im a little paranoid… especially when I wake up to my computer on by itself first day of having vanguard installed it has never accidentally turned on before.

    I may have to just delete this game and vanguard if even possible. And I dont even have much personal info on my computer. Im at a loss of how F’d up I feel waking up to my computer on by itself. Its probably too late to even uninstall too. It should be illegal for a china owned company to do this. Or any company. Wish players were allowed to sue and get it banned like tik tok.

  18. I have got issue with Vanguard too, cooling in laptop suddenly got crazy so I've panicked and turned off my laptop. Now it no longer turns on. I've brought laptop to computer service so I'll update what happened once they find out.

  19. I updated the game anyway but, fr i was waiting for this video to come out. I knew vanguard would cause issues, i also saw my pc doing weird stuff sincce i installed vanguard. Like i had my gpu at 30% usage with nothing really running on my pc.
    I don't trust riot to not sell our data to tencent, i don't trust riot at all anyway. Time for my 1234564453397654323492nd league break of the year. Until vanguard is either somehow safe/useful or so poorly turned that nobody plays league anymore.

  20. I hate that Riot said that if you're not playing League you don't have to run Vanguard. Turning it off stops it running /until you restart your pc/ even though Riot said you could easily just exit it and restart it when you want to play. I don't like that I have to completely restart my PC every time I want to play a match or two, it feels invasive that it's forcing me to fully restart for something that shouldn't be this controlling of my actions :/

  21. So for the Behavioral Systems portion, is nobody else talking about how Riot is casually speaking on the fact that mass reporting without reasonable cause is resulting in frivolous bans? Here's the thing, I wouldn't be so pressed about this matter had it not been for my history long before this patch in regards with people simply not liking me. Not because I fervently troll, which I don't do but rather because either I dominated the game I was in too hard for my own team's/enemy team's mental to handle or I did not give in enough to my teammate's flaming. Sometimes I'm reported just because I had a bad game or for the hell of it; there's always going to be that group of players who serial reports 'just cause.'

    I also have it on good authority that Riot support does not possess certain logs/event timelines to corroborate these so-called justified bans and that they'd instead try to make up or even go as far as to gaslight you as the player into believing you did something ban-worthy. This is all just a shield to mask the fact they themselves to not know why the bot decided to bring the hammer down on you, but to admit fault in their bot is to admit failure in their design; something Riot is all too proud of.

    Which brings me back around to why this should worry players like myself. Players who are pretty high in account levels, champions masteries, skin counts etc etc etc. Given the average mentalities the game suffers from, that being things like ff mentailty, run-it-down behavior and soft-inting, who's really to say that these same players won't openly abuse this "new" system just as Riot themselves openly state how it can be used? I'm willing to bet the reason nobody seems to be talking about this change is because of the fact most of LoL's population consists of users who'd rather ditch smurf after smurf never attaining higher than account level 50 all in the name of 'efficiency.' Not as big a loss for those types as it is for the increasing minority that is players who only stick with one account.

    tl;dr Riot effectively turned the behavioral bot systems into something resembling Canadian self defense law, that being the criminals who are actually ruining your games will have more rights than legit honor-bound players. All the power belongs to them and nothing is stopping them from even going as far as to sending multiple manual reports from different accounts through to Riot support if it means a guaranteed action against you for whatever reason. (I've met too many players with this type of agenda.)

  22. I played league for 4 yrs and last week i got 3rd ban in these 4 yrs(14days).This is 1st ban when i m really really happy bcs i wanted to delete lol with this patch.I don’t want to put a spyware and a trash antichat in my pc just bcs riot team cant put more people to verify ranked games.

  23. I can't open league either. Need to open Riot launcher and then open league. It's just so funny cuz I've had VG for a long time, no issues

  24. Really glad they made the bundle Lee Sin emote re-rollable. Good change for once! Wonder if it was because of the fan outcry or because they just simply forgot to remove it from the re-roll pool…

  25. I dont get why they dont just make the league lp system like valorants. Depending on ur team contribution/carry level u get more or less LP gains/losses ie if u fed inted early you would get +5-10 LP or – 30 LP if u carried or contributed well u would get +20-40 or -5- -10

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