Why Junglers Get Blamed For Everything | League of Legends

Jungle is a role that gets a lot of attention, mostly negative. From being the most autofilled role in the game to everyone being quick to point fingers at the jungler as the reason for why they lost, we’ll be discussing why no one wants to play jungle, detailing why it’s such an unenjoyable role to play.

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  1. Personally, I'm a new jungler been playing league for a couple of months and as a solo que player I really just look out for myself. Essentially I've seen that junglers can solo carry games but you need to go into it with the mentality that that's what youre doing. rush your clears so you can outpace and outscale anyone else on the opp team, pick and choose which laners show the most promise and focus your ganks there, decide which objectives are important/safest to get based on rotation speed from your laners etc.

  2. And when you get invaded by opponent jgl and mid the whole game without your mid laner ever moving to help you and they say jgl diff at the end of the game while you were stuck at the base 24/7 cus whenever you get out you just get one shotted and die

  3. The reason most junglers have an ego is because it’s the only way to survive the role. If you don’t believe you are the king, then your mental won’t be able to handle the role most days

  4. I’ve been playing lol for 10 years since season 3. I played jg serious the last season before I quit. After trying to master the role I notice a majority of players blame their problems on the jg. I quit because before level 2 my top died. Then died again before level three. For context that is 3 camps for me. I rushed top killed Darius then top died again at level 4. For context that was 6 camps before 4 minutes. The whole game top was counter jg me… top as in my top lane was stealing my jg. Lol isn’t for me anymore I quit

    Also, role picking is what destroyed LOL. When pick order was there the game had to many variables. So when first pick got their role the game was designed around solo carry. Since players can pick their roles now the game is designed around team base. Which means at least 2/3 lanes needs to win to win. lol is dead

  5. As an ADC main here's my main issue with junglers and how the majority of them act which ticks me and the rest of the team off:

    – I am expected to leash every game but can't expect ganks when enemy are 4 men in botlane, shoving me under my turret, even diving to stop me from continuing my momentum as a 4-0 winning lane.
    – I am supposed to keep warding and have sights on everything but when we kill 2 people and enemy support escapes with 10 hp, our jungler can't be bothered to just leave it and move to drake and/or get the turret. He has to run after the 10 hp support and 9 times out of 10 straight up die to 2nd tier turret and flame me and my support.
    – I am supposed to carry the game (lmao adc carrying the game before patch 14.10 yeah, sure thing buddy), I'm having a good lane, having 1-0 or 2-0 lead, a good 300 gold difference with enemy botlaner, no need for ganks, enemy jungler is ganking top and our midlaner can use a gank or he can just start drake and we can join, instead he just decides it's a good time to go up to enemy adc and die without even pinging us to go all in. Then resurrect, come back to an adc with low hp, once again jump in and die, giving the enemy botlaner shutdown with the previous kill and making sure he has the lead now. In return, I can't dominate my lane and now since he ganked twice, enemy jungler also feels the need to gank, but this time they actually work as a team instead of the anime main character my jungler is.
    – My jungler refusing to use his smite that deals 1200 damage, instead just waits until the drake/baron/whatever has 200 hp and the enemy just steal it by walking up to it.

    This is the case for 6 games out of 10. Other 4 games I got good junglers who carry, thank god I'm lucky that those 6 games either I am too strong to carry or top laner/mid laner is. But majority of the games, we have to carry the jungler, minority of them, the jungler carries us to victory.

  6. i started playing in 1st season. main mid. by season 2/3 it got so hard to get mid i started playing jungle. before invading was a regular thing. (i dont play anymore btw quit in season 5, dabbled in szn 8) but anyways i started playing jungle lee sin, khazix, & shaco. it carried me from gold 4 to plat. that's all thanks to

  7. nah, ganking junglers are absolutely in the worse position. I've had it happen to me so many times where I ganked a lot, made almost a 1kill/minute, all lanes were ahead in kills and towers and we lost it to a jungler who suddenly came out of his jungle at minue 20, 3 levels ahead and with more items than I had and simply steamrolled the team, while keeping me out of my own jungle due to more of everything besides killparticipation. The jungle EXP is absolutely ridiculous. So I started to farm more and ignore my lanes and the games are going much better.

  8. The most stupid thing of being a jungler where they compare their dmg to champions to urs even tho u hit chickins and gromp all day and they hit champions all their lanes time

  9. I hate jungle, I prefer to play other role but not a jungle , but I playing jungle because I don't want to play with my autistic team who can't even carry themselves 1×1

  10. Yea but it is true, most games are jgl diff. 😅 only times when its laner diff is when they int in lane horribly or they get a lost of jgl help and do not carry anyway

  11. As a jungle main I find it annoying that people believe you should win their lane for them. While it is part of your role to help them win their lane I'm mostly talking about the people who make terrible choices in lane/feed/take bad trades and expect you to be their baby sitter. Sometimes it's good to help your laner through a rough patch but the expectations can be crazy. You can't literally sit in their lane or else you ignore everything else on the map. Then you will be subsequently blamed for the lack of attention elsewhere. I'm gold so I won't pretend that I am good at all. But in recent memory I had a game where I took both grubs, all 4 dragons, got toplane ahead via 2 ganks, and managed to help bot get enemy tower first. Towards the end of the game due to bad choices, I followed up on a horrible play by our toplane trying to save his skin and I ended up dying. He then went on a tirade about " Our jungler sucks". I just couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. I was nearly the only factor that allowed our team to thrive through the early and mid parts of the game with objs and a win con to show for it. Bot and Top were ahead. Mid lane I ended up ignoring because the matchup was stale and they didn't trade much, mostly just farmed. Even though our midlaner was behind by about 10-15% cs They were doing ok just holding their own. The part that is the most annoying about all of this is that midlane was the only one who helped me on the objs while the others being in a position sometimes ( like having vision in enemy side and having their lanes pushed) just ignored the easy rotation which nearly cost us dragon a couple of times and it ended in a smite fight which I thankfully won. If they would have been there we could have used our advantage and maybe got some extra kills or something. Anyways, we lost that game after botlane got caught 2v5 in mid and we weren't able to defend 3v5. I really think the blaming of junglers can be too critical and self serving sometimes. I watch laners make mistakes constantly and I don't say anything to them. I stay quiet and keep trying hard to win. The last thing I'll add to this essay is that if people truly believe jungle is the most important role then why do they not play for their jungler more often? Wouldn't you want to help your "most important role"?

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