Why NO ONE Plays: Nocturne | League of Legends

Back with another episode of Why NO ONE Plays! Today we’ll be talking about Nocturne: The Eternal Nightmare.

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  1. Tbh when he gets reworked I want his ult to be terrifying.
    I'm hoping they keep it basically the same BUTT its Global and Everyone on the enemy team sees a Nocturne dash at you with 1 obviously being the real one, so that way he keeps his iconic OH SHIT moment and its actually scary because until he touches you. You wont know if it's actually him or not.
    Like I said that way he keeps his iconic scary bit but also helps alot because 1 ult will get Everyone to back tf up

  2. I know that the only reason I don't personally play him anymore is because of one single voice line; "Are you MY nightmare, or am I yours?". What the fuck do you think, Nocturne? Do you think I am scared of the ancient demonic entity that stalks people's dreams, or do you think said demon pisses his pants when he sees me?

  3. As a Nocturne main, idrc if he gets an update or a full rework. I think I'd be happy with both.

    But from a rework perspective, I'd be really cool if his darkness was a basic ability (no dash, just vision denial) think along the lines of Warwick W. During darkness, nocturne gains bonus stats.

    His E could become a short range dash (smaller version of his ult) which resets on takedowns.

    His passive could change to something along the lines of; Grants movement speed when moving towards feared targets. The first basic attack on a large monster or champion fears them for X secs (on a cd per champ), Takedowns refreshes the 'per champion' cd on nearby targets (centered on the takedown, not nocturne).

    If keeping his q similar to what it is now, it probably wouldn't need the stats nearly as much if his w gives it to him instead, but it would be cool if it allowed Nocturne to traverse through walls on his path (if he steps off his path, he would flick out of the wall like Kayn does). if his q gets reworked entirely, I would try to give it some form of AOE for clearing jg which has been removed from his current passive. With that in mind I would maybe just make his passive his new Q. Q Grants the next basic attack AOE, which applies on hit and lifesteal and healing him for a set amount per target hit with the AOE (I would love to add armor shred to this but it might be too much considering it would also apply the first basic attack fear if they haven't been hit by Nocturne yet).

    His ultimate would simply be a passive with an active stat boost; Passive: E dash range increased during W Darkness. Active: Bonus attack speed, AD and doubling his lifesteal on feared targets. (if armor shred is not added to his Q I might be inclined to add here instead probably to feared targets specifically).

  4. yup, dodge the Q, dodge the E and he ends up being a very bad master yi or jax, could use some kind of update, I think just a change to the E would really revive him

  5. There is one other interesting interaction with nocturne R, Shen cant ult to protect someone while paranoia is active and all spell shields are deactivated during the R, e.g. malz passive, banshees, edge of night

  6. I quit League 4 years ago. Nocturne was one of my played heroes. Recently my friends invited me for some flex and i only played Nocturne. I think he's still good and viable.

    I just kept farming when my Ult is on cooldown, and ganking when its up. Use it everytime its up whether to kill and just get a Flash.

  7. As of right now, I feel like Nocturne is the perfect autofill/starter jungler. His kit is simple and effective, his clearing speed is really good and his ultimate is probably the perfect ganking tool. That, combined with the fact that very few champions can duel him in the early game, makes him perfect for people who don’t usually play jungle to still do their job reasonably well.

  8. Haven’t played LoL since i was 12. Sometimes i come back to look at Nocturne videos in remembrance to how many countless champions I’ve shredded. How many tears I brought to many players. And hoping still, even today that he’s still op and a terrifying champion to go up against. I mained jungle & between Kayn, Nocturne and Master Yi i was always fed early. How I miss those days

  9. Nocturne is kind of a "win more" champion. If you're playing against a team of shitty players, like an ADC who consistently goes off alone with no vision, Nocturne will steam roll the enemy team. But so what? You should be winning anyway if the enemy team is playing like shit. So why not pick a champion that actually increases your chance of winning against a good team instead?

  10. Im a main nocturne for a while and i felt disappointed when the skarner rework got delayed bc i will waut for at least two years more for a nocturne asu/gameplay rework

  11. I think nocturne is really good, he has a larger amount of utility than you have shown. his fear causes targets to run away, so if you position yourself behind them they will be feared toward your team, also if you attempt to flash over top of nocturne with the fear chain on you it doesnt actually get you outside the tether. Plus he has a 90% ms boost toward feared targets, that works with any fear not just his own. And as for escaping, if you Q away from your target the monent the fear hits you can create a huge distance between yourself and the person chasing you. His W is a hugely powerful ability if used correctly you can completly turn a fight in your favor if you use it at the right time. He has great sustain in the jg with his passive and a respectable clear speed. He is also very good at countering a dive with his ult. Even if the enemy jg clears faster you can always gank the same lane and make it a 2v2

  12. I think making umbra blades a 3 hit passive is possibly the most fair. it will give him a faster clear and more reliable damage and won't lead to him chain fearing teams if he is snowballed.

  13. Why NO ONE Plays Nocturne ?
    (*Warning, personal opinion.*)
    UNSPEAKABLE HORROR – "…-a tether between himself and the target for 2 seconds". 2 second?! more like 2 decade.

    Paranoia – didn't have any cooldown reduce or Lethality. also it's the one time go in tool, no escape plan/option at all.

    Umbra Blades – Great for 1vs1 over-time sustain but… force the champion hit something to work, kinda ”passive“.

    Duskbringer – the Dusk Trail gain the attack damage and movement speed bonus only. No other utility like hiding hiself or thought the wall.

    and finally,
    NO DASH? 🤨

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