25 Fortnite Secrets YOU DONT Want To Find
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Video Sources
FN_Assist https://twitter.com/FN_Assist
CrossPlatinum https://www.youtube.com/c/CrossPlatinum
TG Plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGBYlWw_SBo
TheZnarfSquad https://youtu.be/Mz_celzOvqc
BETA https://youtu.be/eNwLAXgl8jI
Ken Belandres https://youtu.be/hcOzpkWIvnI?t=11
Dallin Baker https://youtu.be/q4aZ-K_8Kqg?t=10
Ian-No1-M https://youtu.be/xIVvy_Q8neQ
Umar Khalid https://youtu.be/RyFbiPJpLNs?t=32
Cullie Candle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYNMlhXAWuQ
HarryNinetyFour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErFPqoJ3Vj0
PandaArt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggI-s_cnH0U
PerfectScore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WclBah3to6o
u/macyizerou https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/dxjwia/weird_fact_remedy_is_happy_when_she_is_alone_in_a/
NoP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-xAqNpRH_g
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What's clickbait?
The title or the video cus
Title says 20 but video I'd 25? Is
I have the inqisitor
I like gumbo
I fond a bear in the middle of a forest
Yay 800th comment
6:25 if fortnite is your childhood than you're still a child
this video sounds like he’s scared himself
I am 8
wtf is scary about the "scary doll" thing
I got killed by the mythic goldfish
"not family friendly" sure aged well
Hm, video title is lying a little. it says 20 dark secrets but both video and info about it says 25.
James Bond ate a squirrel in the backyard
Rip fishstick😢
A beds on my floor so just go in the garage
1:39 🧸
fun fact there was old chapter was old map there was small section where crab lama wolf and 1 more l forgot. Point to spot on map all upside down Season 5 It never made it :C
I’ve noticed that every video that I watch your voice changes
2:46 I landed there 10 times in a row just to kill them once
I can't wait for the new Fortnite Season
My dad said i had to get pinned okay?
Why does the inkquisitor sound like "Inquisitor"?
Title : "20 DARK SECRETS"
Video : "25 DARK SECRETS"
i remember whenever my friends and i got on after school we would go kill the inquisitor or accidentally bump into willow
To be honest scary dolls game are not scary it was very annoying because of bugs
I don’t like Gumbo secret
YEAH ❤🎉😊
2023 🎉❤
I did not subcribe and if a ghost is under my bed Man ima get the vacume
What is it 20 dark secrets or 25 things epic does not want you to find?
Video: these are 25 things you dont want to find in fortnite. Title: 20 DARK SECRETS In fortnite
Tile::20 dark secrets in Fortnite. Video: 25 things you don't want to find in Fortnite
that creative2 map is cute
Scary Doll is as Scary as peppa pig. 😒
if your going to get nightmare why are you watching it
The title says it is 20 but 0:04
whenever you use Kitts emote with a shadow thing it kind of sounds like cod zombies
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