Fortnite Random Rainbow Henchman Challenge Chapter 3, Season 4 gameplay with Typical Gamer!
Music by Epidemic Sound:
i love your videos
4:05 to 4:15 bro what???
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You are so good at fortnite
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1v1 me
You are the best at f Fortnite
all clasmates say (you are noob to me) and i m not bad i m good but you make me happy
yoo tg
Love your videos 😛❤️
No he didn't he said prime shotgun boy
typical gamer chaling me in 1v1
For real
You are a big sigma❤❤❤😊😊😊
Hey tg
The saver
Sulp jucie is the best heals
What a fab game tg best fan😮😂❤
I Love how you play
You’re going to one V one, SypherPK in the future
TV is da goat. He never fails to impress me.
I disagree
Sounded like plankton when he said "you cant handle it"
I miss the old days😢 but it brings back memories when u play
What level are you in Fortnite
I love you videos so much I want you to keep posting
His weapon for purple weapons only Who is the same as the gold weapons only when he found the prime shotgun
Can I be in one of your videos
I love your videos ❤😊
I love you the
6 ➕ 6 IS 66
Love the dance moves
chorm harks give you gold wepons
i think i was in the first game of your video somehow.
They is really good at the game he cranks 90s in 0.1 seconds when I do it in 10 seconds
Is no one going to talk about at 7:42 he just ignored the lightsaber
I just watched it and I was the last guy in the last game
No i am lol😂😂 jo hafto ker at somon els in sted av jo 😤
This comment won’t get more than eight likes😢
TG there was a lightsaberwhere do you not have eyes
D say F ex ex Sh he ddc ndfrff F mhkdgfdgbffbvzbgjnvF
You are the best youtuber