A lot of these Minecraft Tips genuinely changed the way I play Minecraft.
I hope this Minecraft Tips video will change the way you play Minecraft as well.
These Minecraft Tip videos are probably the best videos you’ll ever see. I spend hours upon hours searching for good Minecraft tip videos, and then I test them to see if they actually work… Spoiler alert: Most of them work. So, I hope you enjoy this Minecraft Tips and Tricks video!
I went over the best Minecraft tips, Minecraft hacks, and Best Minecraft features in this Minecraft video!
Btw, all of my Minecraft Tips videos aren’t supposed to offend anyone. It’s all satirical content.
you need a horse 9:18
The 🔫 face emoji
i like it but idk is it the facts
ture but idk but yea know it
its actually prouniced e-lee-tra
2:33 one time i was playing minecraft with my friend and he purposefully activated the tnt and i did this
Love this his video man, good job!❤❤❤ I’m new to the channel btw, imma sub!
Is the crave
redstone ore can be waterd if you hold shift
So underrated 😢
This is why I always watch Skip The Tutorial because, he has the best tips
Stop being sus
3:26 peaceful mode
Crave was joking bro
3:25 I have no Enemies
3:27 its because if you spawn something and then attack it it won't attack you ok
Mcaddon is here baby
I like the bater wucket at the end of the vid.
Shift CLick to place water on redstone
bater wucket :fire:
16:03 you used an axe.16:04 you used an iron pickaxe.
0:13, 3:57 plus more you're using mods.
Okay you ban, have next day
“Why can’t I use my machine gun ?”
The sound: REEeEEeEee-
Fun fact: if you get attack by piglins just jump in the lava. It's not troll at all it's actually works!
1:03 bro its for fooling beginners
Holy fox?
Knock knock who's there?
Mom fox
Mom fox who?
(I hope u understand)💀
Are you on bedrock or Java or vanilla?
This is surprising because some of them are true; shorts about Minecraft do sometimes turn out to be true.
the ice melting one you have packed ice and that cant melt
17:05 lol
Элитраааааав Не Элайтрааа
This video is full of cringe memes 😭 I preferred the tips he was debunking, especially since many were true
14:46 it. (Well I did what you asked 😂😂😂)
I can round it
11:49 Skipthetutorial kinda sounds like Luke davidson When sped up a little bit.
Dont make fun about craves accent pls