Can we SMASH 2000 Likes on this COD MW3 Tips to Raise KD and get more Kills video? I hope you guys enjoy the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Gameplay!
Can we get 2000 Likes on this Modern Warfare 3 video?! I hope you guys enjoy the Call of Duty Multiplayer Gameplay!
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MW3 is TOUGH but if you play properly, you will be amazing! WHAT'S YOUR KD!?
My KD at 1.02😭
KD is 1.29
You give SHIT tips!!!
I’m at 0.97 lol
Is it just me or do people just pop out of nowhere when you’re not looking. They always come around corners at the worst times lol
How do you find where the kd is at ???
Im terrible.
#Full Length
Thanks for the tips and vids man they’re more realistic than other vids
To get better, have zero recoil.
The aim assist is so sticky in mw3. Its getting infuriating when you have to be a deadshot on mouse and keyboard but you just need to be in the general area for controller.
Fuck this game sometimes so many hit markers not much kills all these tips don’t work
me bad
Full length
Everyone says my sensitivity is way to hight for aim assist. I normally play on 14 but changed it to 12 a couple weeks ago
started playing and already fucking raging, i shootsome one 300 times and they shoot me 2 times and i FUCKING DIE IM LOSING MY FUCKING SHIT WHY, IM LITTERALLY 2 FEET AWAY AND HIT EVERYTHING AND I STILL FUCKING DIE
good tips overall.. but raising the sens might be not the best for everyone, pros are still on 6/6 7/7.. and I know some ppl playing top 250 ranked with 4 sens.. might be not the cure for everyone!
Most of my deaths are spawn deaths. I spawn and immediately I’m death 💀
#full length
You should show how to do these things like raising Sensitivität for example. Alot of new players here
Number 5 is a great tip.
Bro take a breath once in a while son of god!
For me it feels like the games are slow like I just got done playing an aggressive hardpoint game and only got 25 kills. I’m definitely good at the game but it feels like the other team not paying as aggressive.
These last 5-6 years since they added SBMM it isnt even a good thng
They added it for whatever reason to support scrubs , ill get my KD to be lower but its difficult to lower a KD when your actually good tho… even im a 0.90 lobby is full of sweats tht that they are genuinely good, lol id like to see them play real 2.0-3.0 players
Just one note, he said"turn off controller vibration " like its such a coming thing, nobody play with that on.
I play l2 bumper jumper so that flipped thing is going to get hard to get used to