Tips & Tricks

10 Tips To Immediately Improve At Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer!

Modern Warfare 3 changes a lot of things when it comes to being a good player. But, there are definitely many things you can do to get better. Here are 10 Tips To Immediately Improve At Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer. Hope you enjoy!

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  1. Wow, this is exceptional content. I read a book with similar content, and it was truly remarkable. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

  2. Is there any game mode that wont match you with level 200 try hards? I cant be the only one thats lv 4 and gets placed in a lobby full of these people 😅. I still dont really understand this game tbh.

  3. Other than the fact this game is a rebranded mw2019 i like it. The new options for loadout seem nice and the gunplay is typical cod. The game does run a bit rough even on my overpriced PC but once im in game it runs fairly well.

  4. New cod is trash. Even on hardcore, it’s like you’re still playing a normal core mat h with the number of rounds you have to put in a mf to stop them. Craziest Waste of money ever. I wish I didn’t buy the downloadable one so I can sell this shit

  5. Advancent Movement introduced in advanced warfare…….i really wish alot more of you COD YTbers knew what your were actually talking about instead of spewing garbage out your mouth…….advanced movement has been sense like B01……lmfao

  6. The basic tip i am getting from this video is read the information the game gives you with the perks and gunsmith, lot a people dont read what every perk or gun mods adds to the gun or character, basically just picking what looks cool over what actually works for your game style

  7. I mean the old games are not gone go play them if you love them so much or cry more i could care less if you go 5.k-50.d in a match and then ask for a refund

  8. I've been suffering in this game. Every time I try to keep track of the other enemy players they just keep popping up behind me and sliding all over the place. It's been to chaotic for me.

  9. After the abysmal campaign I went online for the very first time, expecting to get chewed and spit out. I actually got 20 kills and 17 deaths! Guy on the other team got 8 and 17. This means that I’m not good.. but I’m also not horrible 😄

  10. High alert in cod is ass in general. Only time it's useful is in search and destroy when they're down a lot of people cos of the info u get . In regular game modes take it off. You'll be dead by the time u react

  11. Cod is falling off hard. SBM has ruined the game, every game you feel like your trying trying to win cod champs. As a solo player this game is horrible wound,t recommend buying.

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