CODM TIPS That’ll Make You Instantly BETTER!
In this video, I’ll give you the BEST TIPS In Call of Duty: Mobile that Will Make You PRO. These Tips and Tricks in codm will Instantly make you 10x BETTER and improve you aim in COD Mobile, as well as, how to aim PROPERLY or Fix Your SETTINGS in codm. You can use these TIPS when using a Sniper, especially dlq33, locus, outlaw and artic. This can also help you in fast movements tips and Quickscoping codm, like the best settings sensitivity such as the perks to use and loadout gunsmith for latest season CODM 2024. This video serves as a Guide / Tutorial for beginners tips inorder to make them PRO, you can use the tips and tricks in mp / br in COD MOBILE!
#codm #codmemes #codmobile #codmtutorial #codmobilegameplay #codmtipsandtricks #codmtips #codmprotips
like the videoooo now!👿
Are you or emoji I will see players but I don't see one
Yeah I know I already know
Just remember, folks: “Those who don’t do this are losers.” Priceless. 😎🤣
Hey ZFEK lets 1v1
One of the best tips I have ever seen
Thank you and keep the great work
i can't see enemies with higher fov🥲🫠
I do not recommend using high fov it makes the enemy/target smaller
Thankyou! 😀
The song is Akari from jjk😭
Bro that the stupid shit i ever seen
All that shit is for Noobs
Why the music background is jujutsu kaisen ending 😂?
I have been subscribed and wanted to say I love your videos. I think it's even more fun when you swear. Idk why 🤣 keep the good content up 💚💕
this guy is the Zy0x of Cod mobile
no one is talking about the jujutsu kaisen song
Rarely see anyone use emotes to their advantage. Everyone just plays aggressively.
Tip:you should dont get it too high because your aim would be bad and dont do too low fov cause it will ruin your view the best fov is 75 and 85 but i use 85
They should just remove emotes. That's broken af
Sensivity video boss ?
0:58 you’ll not see a enemy in rank if non of your team see them, the dev fix that a year ago
Hi , you play phone and controller?? 😮
Pin Zfek please 😭