Back with another banger! If you enjoyed the video or found it helpful, don’t forget to subscribe and drop a like
In this video I’m going to be letting you in on some of my greatest tips, to completely change your gameplay in MW3 Ranked Play for the better. In this second installment I’m going to be diving more into the movement side.
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0:00 Intro
0:48 Tip #1 Use More Movement
2:55 Tip #2 Start slide and reload cancelling
5:51 Tip #3 Start snaking and shouldering
8:38 Tip #4 Use crack aiming and start strafing
10:54 Tip #5 Ego challing
11:36 Outro
Thank you for watching!
#cod #mw3 #rankedplay
Great tips bro, very helpful especially against sweats. Are we not gonna talk about your operators fingers on that ego chall freeze frame
great video, do you shoot bots to train?
Fire g
subscribed thx for the tips bro
Really informative video. Appreciate it.
Bro turn the volume down on the game or turn your mic up I can barely hear you
Lets go bro

Good tips, great video man I enjoyed it

My brotha
Good video again bro
Help him hit 100 likes
Into is clean
Fire bro
Nice x