Top 20 Best Battle Royale Tips For Call Of Duty Mobile | Best Tips To Win Every Codm Battle Royale
If You Want To Win Every Battle Royale In Call Of Duty Mobile Then You Need Best Tips and Tricks For Settings and Gameplay,So Here Are My Top 20 Best Tips For Battle Royale In Call Of Duty Mobile
So Watch The Full Video To Become Pro Player In Cod Mobile
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call of duty mobile battle royale
I'm tired of teammates running off and having gunfights in open areas. Then, expect you to retrieve their dogtags in the open to revive them.
Bro after watching this I am winning every freaking game
Bro ignore the hate this vid was awesome
Mr state the obvious
I used cod NARCO settings instead of yours
Your guide is all over the place for tips. My suggestion would be to not mix up common knowledge for shooter games with BR basics. I came here to learn about BR gameplay basics, not common knowledge for shooter games.
If you're not old enough to speak, you shouldn't have a mobile device….
I just keep long distance, xpr and type 25 is the best loadout in my opinion
But always know the sensvity settings is 90% y'all not perfect because they just setting their own if you copy someone you cant find the perfect settings for you. also same with the custom hud. everyone hab a different of phone.
Why is it better to upgrade class what exactly does the upgrade gives you
Granite and kill
People still don't damn realize that only Xbox and pc 4 controllers are allowed in callcof duty mobile, and they still act like you can pair any controller 🤨
Ads is useless if you want movement Hip Fire is superior in vision, movement, cover advantage for example you could use ur movement to go back in cover and finish the enemy when he peeks. Vision is good for knowing where enemy will go ads will be affected as if you slide out of ads you'll mess up ur aim and if you're in open field you can kill him, if not slide jump so you can shoot him and kill 80%.
I'm not a pro at the game but here are
some things i learnt that may help you.
don't shoot enemy's if you know its not a sure kill, example is the enemy is on the higher ground with its teamate, unless it is distracted or having other target
Remember that SMG and SHOTGUNS are for Close Range only dont use them for long range, always use SMG and SHOTGUN for close fights because Some Long range guns(AR) are weak in close range
Don't face to face the enemy Like rifle to rifle on each other(ADS) on a open field You Have 50% Chance of Surviving and dying always use cover
Throw Smoke granade on a Air drop to loot it safely and Avoid snipers
Dont revive your teammates in a open field
Bots don't slide or crouch (i learnt that from a streamer)
Use kinetic even your Armor is 150,to avoid getting one shot.
If your using SMG avoid having a 1v1 on a SHOTGUN user just keep dodging it or find a way to escape(unless if he crouch)wait for it to reload they will switch to AR Thats your chance to kill it(this is only for good SG users those who keep sliding around) use Shockwave class to counter SG users
These are just some of my Mistakes a have done in the past.
Every time you Die in a game Learn from it hope this helps:)
cod mobile is so confusing to someone who doesn't usually play games at all😭 like my dumb ass went the first long while of playing with ZERO sound turned on, bad weapons w bad attachments, didn't change any of the settings, etcetc. i'm pretty decent now but .. could have been much better if i paid attention to those things the first while i played 😭😭
Another tip , learn not to panic when enemy appears , die in this game a lot , that will kill your fear and panic , and then look how calm you become and pick up kills easily. Because when you panic not only this ruins your aim and movement. Your brain doesnt work quite well. Thats why i purposely die in this game so that i will stop panicking. I would suggest every player who panics to do this. It also helps you to win the last zone battle. Thats where majority of peopke choke like hell. This affects our gameplay in major way. You panic , youll lose everytime. Be fearless and die out there , who knows you might get a kill and win a gunfight that you wouldnt even win. I would suggest the content creator to add this in pro tips. Practice dying , that will destroy the fear abs your brain will start working. Die many times to become a pro.
I usually get 1st:30%
Others:mostly 40%
Everything was good till the camping part, come on bro we don't need more campers lol
You cannot always stay with a teammate bcs enemies will throw a grenade or cluster grenade and if u knock down enimies Always hide where they died bcs their teammates will try to get them then u strike for more kills
Thanks for this video now i can break to legendary a im grandmaster❤❤❤
There's a lot of dumb people that parachutes somewhere far away from their team. Like wtf, isn't it common sense?
Thanks for the obvious i know that part I wanted to know more advanced stuff not obvious stuf
Thanks ❤
Bro the other players are the 8ssue like when I'm fighting 3 or 4 bots they will send k9 and hit me from a far every single time
My ID Alyas@Adil
bro here we cant buy cp dog because it says you are not from this country plz reply me dear bro
Hello dear brother what is the status of our call of duty id made in another country now it is 560 cp and we are in asia now how can we give it 220 cp❤
New subscriber are here❤❤
Best forever ♾️
Thanks for making this video on this topic👍