Here is the Most Demanding Video About Call of Duty Battle Royale, So Here In This Video i will Show You Top 20 Best Tips To Win Every Battle Royale in Cod Mobile
So Use These Tips and Tricks To Win Every Battle Royale With Name At Top
Top 20 Best Battle Royale Tips In Call Of Duty Mobile | Best Tips To Win Every Battle Royale CODM
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I have learned a lot from you, thank you ❤
Bro how to get operator?
bro this needs more attention,thanks to the tips it is helpful too!
Another tip : we forget all pro tipd when enemy appears in front of us. 😂😂😂
wait im so lost can you make a video about how to put the sensivity im so so lost please
what if i am solo then i have no timate?
You know how people love hitting enemies with cars today in battle royale games or either get the tag with the car and drive off? If it isn’t the hover bike, get as close to the car as you can and try to ride in it while they are driving then you could either aim at them inside the car in third person or first person
Sniper campers are so ass when u find them
bro 1 question how am I gonna hit the enemies head they are so fast at movements I cant even hit the head how much more the head
I recommend unmarked places with lots of loot for drop zones I normally solo so I go for small places with multiple buildings.
How to read map properly? As a new player, im difficult to find enemies although there is red mark shown on map but sometimes its inaccurate position
Get good with shotgun fullstop
I can almost hear the Indian accent.
Thanks bro It really Work Now I At Grand Master V I will subscribe to you
I couldve been a good player if not with this this crappy phone thay freezes the moment i use smoke bombs and my fps gpes from 20 to 25 so it sucksm
The best tip for me is being close with all my teammates, but they barely want to do that and we lose because of them.
I wish people would f**** listen to number 11.✌️
if I have a log and msg and I see a arctic 50 mythic. Do I give up the lmg or smg or just not take the arctic 50?
So if I'm understanding this right, upgrade weapons using XP card then click on the heads
this a.i is very illiterate
Bro how can i see enemies in long range help me
Buy a damn gun. No chance in hell you win a gun fight with a pay to play player.
For me the problem is like I cannot see enemy In a particular distance like I will find my teammates shooting but can't find the enemy I have to get close in order to see the enemy or use a sniper
I just started the game on PC with a simulator. I hate playing on Phone. Im an old call of duty player. MW2, black ops 4, MW 2019, cold war, warzone, vanguard and MW 2 2022 just a little. Now I ve come to this. The weapons work a bit diffrent and the third person mode its killing me. But in rest I win every fight. Good job here
bro check your grammar
Thank you bro <3 new subscriber! btw what device are you using?
Haha wrong spelling it's assault not adult
Bonus tip use dropshot if u dont know what is that is when ur shooting at someone tap the prone button so the enemy misses bullets on u
What server you on
very helpful, keep up the goodwork!
1:42 This is why you're my favorite youtuber lol
Hey bro, when are you going to make an 8 or 9 minute video teaching how to configure the full sensitivity of all Battle royale sensitivities