HawksNest is back on the official Call of Duty: Mobile channel to give his top tips and tricks for conquering the new Undead Siege mode in Season 6! Skip to topics using the timecodes below:
0:30 – Settings
1:06 – Tutorial
1:58 – Map movement/rotation
2:24 – Loot/inventory management
3:18 – Control Center defense tips
6:27 – Talents/Rewards explained
7:40 – Hard Mode tips
8:35 – Conclusion
Try out these weapons yourself! Download now and play for free – https://bit.ly/2o6xmD7
Check out @HawksNestYT for more CODM gameplay and tips – https://bit.ly/3Ao0qWw
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Why use 1000 words to make a guide when you can make it 5000 instead?
It's "fine detail", not "finite detail". Thanks.
bring it back in march
can I ask somethıng..I cant play U Siege ..ıts not on the main screen .My map is appearing in setiings install menu. so how can I /ınstallbegın the game
Want it back pls
So glad they didn't bring this mode back 🤣🤣
Does anybody know when this event coming back ?
I really like it 🥺
Put classic zombies in codm plz your loseing players
I don't know how to enter the mode.
I don’t see how to even get to play the mode someone explain is it a lv thing
It’s downloaded but I can’t play it, someone help plz 😩
I do nightmer
Please bring back actual round based zombies maps. This mode became very boring very quickly. I had no desire to play it once i got turned Nikolai. I only grinded because I wanted the character skin. And that was an incredibly annoying grind.
Zombie mode is fun!!
This is like zombie mode but in br and harder than the original
I'm an undead siege expert, so I'm gonna add up some tips and tricks for this video.
1.) Use Rytec AMR with thermite rounds, you'll get an insane amount of headshot damage. Very useful in day 1 because if you headshot zombies, you'll get 800+ aether essence for each headshot. But never use this against wardens because their heads are protected by helmets.
2.) Never buy a turret at night 1 because the enemies are still weak and can be defeated by guns only.
3.) Build only cannon turrets since they deal the most damage. Materials needed from basic to cannon turrets:
*5 machine gun mods
*5 lvl 1 pedestal
*1 lvl 2 pedestal
4.) Use the Rytec AMR with thermite rounds if the side mission on day 4 or 5 is a butcher. It'll die from 3-4 headshots.
5.) Use HS2126 with FF birdshot if the side mission is a giant aether crystal.
6.) Recommended guns for each zombie type:
Locus with OWC stopping power mag: Warden, Igniter, and Necromancer
Rytec AMR with thermite mag: Zombie, Pulverizer, Belcher, Hazmat, and Heavy Gunner
7.) Always store your stuff in the private warehouse so you can have more room in your inventory for storing materials.
8.) If all of your turrets are fully upgraded, deposit all of your materials in the public warehouse so your teammates can use them to upgrade their turrets.
9.) If the Heavy Gunner is shooting your base, throw a molotov to it, it'll get wobbled for a few seconds and while it's on its wobbling state, kill it as soon as possible.
I hope these tips and tricks helped.
When will it end though?
Seriously, im never get mvp on this mode
you show them the co co coil meme to make the zombies laugh instead of destroying the teleporter.
Always the best at explaining…. Nice work fella 👍
Build Cannons and Missile Turrets = Easy win
Please solve server issue in India .
From south india – During gameplay feels so laggy even though I have high end device , Good fibre internet ….
I have brought mytic AMR .. during gameplay some times laggy as hell … If its continue like these .. there is no point for buying legendary, mytic or competive nature will lose shortly …
Plz solve India server issues
Here's a few tips:
-day 1 and 2 use only one turret and try to max them out on day 3 you can buy a second turret and try to level it up.
-On day 1 and 2 conserve your ammo, use the wrench instead they deal much more damage
-before moving to another place check the map for any airdrops near you, use vehicles (specifically helicopter) to go to the airdrops.
-don't waste time on tripmines molotov they consume spaces on your backpack. You may loot them just store them in your warehouse for the final day.
-loot as much mods as you can, they are needed more than lethals.
-on day 4 and 5 go to the missions with your teammates, don't go alone.
-search if there is a necromancer target them first because they have the ability to lessen the damage taken by zombies, use sniper/marksman rifle, they are one or two shots.
-on day 4 you can buy your third turret and upgrade it as much as you can and on the final day you can buy your final turret.
-do not buy perks/mystery box they are not necessary.
-On the final day make sure you have at least 2 teammates with Goliath, a sniper rifle (for the necromancers) and one teammate with a shotgun
These are tips from Garena Players