Are You Facing High Ping Issues In Call Of Duty Mobile? Or Your Ping Spikes To 100+ms then This Video is For You Guys
In This Video I will Show You Top Best Tips to Reduce and Fix High Ping Problem In Cod Mobile
So Watch Full Video For Best Ping Issue Fix in codm
Top 5 Best VPN For Call of Duty Mobile | Fix Ping And Lag Issue Using VPN in Codm
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İ play solo ranked match my ms 45 oppened ms 20 shot to enemy but not die low hp
I started playing some garena and need honkong vpn and got low ping (very low)
You get charge for roaming right if u turn it on
Any booster or vpn?
I have 5g net but still i get 199 ping
Idk what to do
Sir what the name of the vpn
I got banned for using vpn for a day
Fake you
I have 40 to 50 ms using WiFi but it's not enough for me i want 10 or 20 ms, pls make video how to bypass wifi speed or using vpn dns to reach 10 to 20 ms
Bro my net is working so good in lobby but i start the mp or br match there is showing 10ms ping and only I am alone in map please bro help me it only happens on mobile data not on wifi
U sound like those TikTok voice AI but a more expensive one.
Me using WiFi
Takes alots

I have big disadvantage against other snipers since their ping might be 10 and mine is 50.
Free Vpn name please?
anything i try dont fix my ms ive never lagged and i have great wifi its never made me lag or anything when i switch to my data it doesn’t change the ms so whats the problem
I have good internet but I got 81ping for a day
Bro i don't know why but it consumes around 100mb in 5 minutes do you have any solution for this? Or is this inbuild game
thanks the game is nice with low bing you are legend
The rest are good to be used but i disagree about the data roaming, why bother to turn it on if you are in a local country only.
Pov: Your using WIFI

Bro from yesterday i kept getting Irani servers but I'm not from Iran i want asian servers not middle East servers
bro, i have already used game booster to improve my ping, I scare one day I get ban because their policy number 4 will ban any accounts use vpn? Could you answer me this problem.
They don’t allow you to use vpn you can get banned
Iphone xs max good for call of duty but please tell me
Bro idk how to thank you because you helped me alot