Call of Duty

How to play Respawns like a PRO in Call of Duty: Mobile!

Hey guys, ex #1 lb, 9x CODM WR holder and a gaming enthusiast!

#callofduty #callofdutymobile #codm #codmobile #cod #bobbyplays #iferg #holger26

@BobbyPlays @BobbyReacts @BobbyStreams @iFerg @iFerg-Live @furgg @NoahSunday @MoreNoahSunday
@HawksNestYT @Godzly @dHitmanMobile @Aerith @MineyCODM @WoopiieeCODM @godwoodcodm2168 @HeavenCODM @Kith @StealthCODM @ICECODM @Jokesta @xHanzu @CallofDuty @callofdutymobile

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  1. Why is nobody talking about how I can bearly hear you,is there a possibility if you do a similar video that you lower the game volume,it's really hard to focus on what you're saying.

  2. EU Region? Anyways… surprised no one shooting down UAVs, Counter UAVs or Advanced UAVs. 😂… I play Asia… maybe, 1-2 kills n those things are out from the skies.

  3. How to play Respawns like a pro in call of duty: mobile,
    First Things first, have a Strong good aim…
    If you don't? You can forget about step two to avoid wasting both of our time…

  4. Lo haces ver tan facil jajaja excelente hermano, eres uno de los grandes, personalmente me desespero con armas lentas porque me siento inutil pero aqui queda demostrado sin duda que independientemente del arma lo importante es el portador.

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