I had horrible aim 3 years ago in Call of Duty, and this is how I practiced my aim to improve.
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Recoil Video:
MW2 Bot Drills
Maps: Embassy and Taraq
Mode: Team Deathmatch
Bots: Recruit
250 Health
Spawn Ammo Mags Max
Field Upgrade Charge Rate x10
MW19 Bot Drills
Maps: Euphrates Bridge and Hackney Yard
Mode: Team Deathmatch or Free-for-all
Bots: Recruit
250-300 Health
Radar Always On Constant
Spawn Ammo Mags Max
Field Upgrade Charge Rate x10
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Video edits are so funny 😂 Wax on wax off
Probably the best aiming video out there
Iv never had a problem with aim .. I have a problem with try hards that ruined this franchise.. BATTLEFIELD is better
Unless your doing it professionally why are u trying so hard.. i hope you put as much effort in real life as u do in VIDEO GAME.. lol
Yeah every gun you have has no recoil,your not cheating at all. Sure bud
Good ass vid!
Iambot wallhacks, one name cheater 😂😂😂
Can you make one to explain how actually you use controller to aim for a person who has nevdr touched a controller in his life?
I see you turn aim assist off because it's more of a challenge? I find when using a controller that aim assist doesn't seem to do anything at all. My precision with mouse is much higher and faster than with controller.
i thought i am the worst 😂😂 0:04
0:18 l haven’t seen the whole video, but this looks like aimbot to me. No way anything in this vid gonna convince me otherwise. Thumbs down
Aiming drills 🤣. If you make a whole vid of you not cheating, you cheating. You trying too hard just say you have a Cronus
u just turn on rAA?)
And then you bought a cronus zen 🤣
Passive and active aiming has nothing to do with moving your barrel…..
Lol)) 500 houtrs and kill only with aim assist)))
Honest question, why would these drills be more effective than just playing real games? You would be expoaed to these and so many other scenarios if you simply practiced by playing the actual game. Since there is no real repercussion for playing a real match as much as you want like there may be in playing a "real" sport (damage to your body or overworking), why not just practice live?
Not going to work if the game alters your gameplay
I am new to warzone how to get in that room where he is practicing??
How do you have bad aim with aim assist
Will this help in cod world at war?
Your good “aim” is basically aim assist
Even tho this is a hole different game with what i play currently. This tips are really helpfull like centering. I hope you keep making more vid dude!
Thank you for making this video. It helps alot.
Am I doing something wrong? Cuz these drills destroyed my aim instead of improving it
You had the worst aim until you bought the cronos line all the others
Best map to do this in mw3?
Ok fine. I’ll subscribe 😂
4:19 How crazy is it, that with only a srcSht of that frame i find the title of the movie…
Thing is … no matter how “good” you are as a player … the person with the fastest internet connection always wins 🙁
My aim is even worse than yours😂😂
Passive aiming is simply the act of using aim assist…
Nice game
What's dmz
bcuz i new
can you do it on privite match
Damn finally some really good FPS advice. The video is perfect. Script, clips, editing and of course the content is legit. kudos!
Centering to CS go players is the most common thing you can think in fps shooter games
The low sens tip is so obvious yet so useful that I literally got so much better after halfing mine
You know I just bought a PS5, I got Call of Duty for it, I spent almost 5 hours installing uploading signing in, I still haven't figured out how to play this game.. I mean like I haven't even gotten to any gameplay whatsoever.. Whatever happened to plug and play games man.. I do feel like a total noob
But I haven't played video games 15/20 years
Well from looking at the thumbnail- Just don’t use a 50. GS.. 😂😂😂😂
Is there any way to train freely like pubg ?
Aim assist
using a controller with aim assist is easy
I finally found my coach.
These drills really create good results.
Thx a million times bro grts…
Can you make one for mw3 please
How people get god aim: practice drills for 8 hours a day
How I get god aim: play 🗿