Call of Duty

Top Ten Call of Duty Campaigns

So which Call of Duty games have the greatest campaigns? IGN’s keenest and crustiest Call of Duty fans combined to carve out a list of our favourite single-player stories, plucked from all throughout the series’ two-decade history.
Here are our top 10 Call of Duty campaigns.

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  1. Cod Advanced warfare was by far the BEST campaign ever in my opinion, with one of the biggest plot twists ever, it has the best campaign, not for just gameplay but for the story

  2. I’m sorry but how can infinite warfare be number 8 no wonder ign lost credibility , infinite warfare had great characters and story telling , the graphics and mechanics were awesome , zero gravity fights , fighter jet fights in space , being able to visit different planets that campaign is top 3 at least

  3. World at War? Seriously? You added the clown shows that are Infinity Warfare and Advanced Warfare. Or are you afraid of getting cancelled because how gruesome the game is?

  4. Would it be crazy if they decided to do a remake of the black ops series, still to this one of my favorite stories in Call of Duty History.

  5. My favorite campaigns and most games are the ones that IGN shits on. Cause let’s be honest. Most people haven’t bought a game on a review score. They make the decision for themselves. Imagine a world where people think on their own? And considers a decision before making one. Not on impulse or from a studio that is trying to make a buck off of someone else’s work.

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