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Theese 6 weapons are my first 6 weapons, great xD
Bro thx so much grinding became so much easier!!!
shotguns don’t have a grindable camp for long shots! which was a relief bc i would’ve been grinding the hs2126 for months lmao
Hey bobby, is this tip still viable today?
Long shots are good with domination on nuketown
Me watching this in 2023💀🙆
For getting gold fast i do no attachment/ hip fire/ headshot / nad may be sometime long shot it make complete
I been playin in bot lobbies and its a breeze. Nearly done assault rifles an snipers in couple days.
Shotgun and snipers was the easiest to get.. I unlocked shotgun platinum for all in 2023 in two days with 8-10 hrs of play
Hs2126 took me 2 days to get gold/platinum I say platinum bc it was my last one to get
Bobby I grinded all the guns gold but Damascus didn't unlocked idk what to do pls help😭😭😭
Great tips Bobby! Thank ya sir!
Damn, thank you so much for this. I noticed this was posted 2 years ago from when I'm commenting now but these honestly still help a lot, after 2 years of updating lol. You're great!
Today i got damascus,…. Uff,…. Fed up of that Shorty and Launchers..
I completed all the headshots on SMG and Assault Rifle by playing big head blizzard mode.
Doing Damascus, rn. This video is still relevant.
Alternate tip for headshots if you're struggling cuz of sweats: if you have a second device, make an alternate acc invite it and play ffa with that acc, i recommend is ffa on firing range and don't use the alt acc just do nothing about it, memorize where the alt acc will spawn (since you're playing with 2 devices you already know where it will spawn), and just kill it in the head and yeah its boosting but its part of the grind, i get 3 jungle camo completed on ar in one day since they have the most hardest headshot mission.
I know this was put up a year ago, but I would add no attachments with hip fire. I’m working on Damascus.
I'm so glad they got rid of shotgun long shots
Nowadays u need al the weapons gold camo for Damascus…
Just to say this, but did you know that they have actually switched out long shots for another task to grind for gold
He's wrong because when Odin was release platinum was not unlock. You still need to unlock the gold camo first.
After the launchers it is easy
Go to killhouse
Sit on the tall tower in the middle of the map preferably with trophies and kill bots as they come out of spawn
Headshots for me were so easy, was dropping 30-40 heads a game
I have gold on everything and yet a few things won't go to Damascus. Any idea why?
For the headshot and long range i play in crossfire hardpoint and shipment for killing task
My first gold was the goddamn Fennec. Seriously?!
I’m watching this in 2022, do I still have to unlock all gold? Or do some still no require gold?
1 year later and this video is still relevant
one thing that its hard for me was getting headshot 🥺
I got platinum shotguns in 2 hours thanks to Hardcore
when grinding hs12126 take my tip :>
Tip: bring sentry/chopper
Go to the top of the rust and place your sentry gun if you see a player aim your hs12126 at the body and wait the hp to go down (your sentry is damaging it) this is easier than using mw since you dont need to aim and change your weapon to hs12126 it took me 4games to get 30kills
its ugly, diamond better
dude u gotta get longshots for shotguns on shipment
an u dont need a single secondary
Def need the echo
I got the Damascus for primaries in 2 weeks. My advice is when grinding, try to do “no attach”, “hipfire”, and “headshot” at the same time. U can get the headshot while hipfiring just point your crosshair to the head. Also try grinding the hardest weapon in each category 1st.
FYI you don’t need to get smrs/fhj good to unlock damascas
Got the smg's done… and then I couldn't bother anymore
na 45 agr fennec axe echo 50 gs
If anyone is struggling to get fhj ( especially xs1 Goliath) just give them ur own xs1
The more late you do the more guns will come to game and make it harder to get Damascus!
So your telling me, all the weapons in the game now that came out after season 9, I don’t need to get gold for them?
for the hs2126 jus get an auto gun from someone and shoot the enemy till low health then spray with the hs2126
thats what i did and i got it in like 2 hours
We don't need secondary
weapons anymore to unlock Damascus for primary weapons ?
1:10 then what is the gun that I need to unlock gold…..plz help
Can someone list the weapons I need gold instead of the ones I don’t? Thanks
step 1: go to dream for damascus
Im almost done but the shotgun and sniper is hell