Episode #2. Tips and Strategies for beginners to intermediate experienced players who have watched Episode 1 and are familiar with the game.
This episode will give you more insight on some tips that will help you get better and out of the beginner level.

45 16 Less than a minute
i swtg they do so much damage i cant even survive a round
I tying to play in this mode right now
Melee is actually powerfull in the first few waves when playing in squads it helps you run to heal your team faster and it one shots the enemies in the mid game the FAL is over powered if you have a fast trigger finger you can kill a jugernaut with less than a mag and for later game the Rytec sniper is amazing it can blow up helis with the right atachments thats my strategy when playing with a squad and the location of your area is important it depends on how many players you have plus how many resorces you have at your disposal
I can’t avoid my favorite gun the P90 lol
You could use the deployable cover to run around to get to another supply cache, and also place it in doorways to single-entrance camping spots (e.g. Crash Tower) to cause suicide bombers to just stand there before dying. It will survive several explosions
If anyone wants to play I'm on Xbox Series S GT Fearless84 I am a rank 17 but am pretty decent at Survival.
How do you put attachments on them? I cant seem to do it, i just get the base level weapon
Awesome. You rock
What about a strategy for suicide bombers
aa 12 with a 32 mag and FMJ works so good against juggernauts
Do you recommend using the deputy shotgun on the ar’s for the juggernaut?
I have been stuck with a score of 13 for weeks. How do you get your number up?
PLEASE learn how to use Thermites,
Especially the Thermite underbarrel which pared with the Ak47 is extremely OP
Very good informational video and tips thank you so much man. You deserve more subscribers 👍🏻🙂
Jak12 as a shotgun… 32 Rounds… 💪
Beginners? I don't even know how to find survivor mode. Lmao. These new games are complicated. (Haven't played since mw3) lol
There's a bug at the Weapons Store where you can't buy any weapons or attachments. If it isn't fixed yet, best chance is it will be fixed once Season 6 (COD:CW) releases which will be in about a week.
Update: Season 6 just released and it's fixed.
Hi, I've started playing survival mode recently and whenever I try to use the weapon crate it doesn't allow me to go into it, is there like a level requirement or something? I just got mw recently and I've mostly been playing cold war before then,I'm level 193 on cold war so I don't know if there some different leveling system for mw or if it's like a constant bug or glitch
Why am I not able to buy weapons from the crate, I'm playing offline I don't have ps plus
7:11. I was there with 2 other friends and a random. The random was very good. Knew what they were doing unlike the normal randoms you get who can’t shoot to save their life. But we camped there all of us in jugs camping the stairs with backup jugs ready The worst thing is the suiciders. Other than that you can shoot through the wall and get enemies that come through the door and if you have others they can shoot other areas and stop enemies from reaching the stairs
ak with underbarrel incendiary and bizon with ammo upgrades are the best combo for survival with double thermite and stim. Sentry and cluster for jugg waves.Using jugg suits are insult to survival
A next level player told me early on while learning to master Survival
"The best way to REALLY learn SURVIVAL is to
"Master Solo Mode"
Once you can hold down a map indefinitely in solo
From that point forth it really doesn't matter what other players do.
"Current" Top Ten World Record Survival Holder on six maps in Quads & Trios
player id mikeybfshn
regiment BUDS2U
Great Vid Peace
If your team is campig a bildig and enimes get over welig use c4 claymone or poximity mine to wipe them out so you wont die
It's too easy
Thanks for explaining everything. I'm rather new to MW2 with my PS4, but have been playing COD Mobile for over 18 months.
The sykov with all the attachments rips!
There's an entire channel dedicated to survival? Now we're talking.
After unlocking obsidian for my fav weapons I failed to find a reason for me to continue getting my a*s whooped by sbmm before new weapons come out (CX9 & RAAL MG). So I started to enjoy this time-consuming mode when I have time to kill. It's not so great and exciting as its MW3 counterpart. However, messing around with random teammates once in a while proves to be fun enough.
Melee weapons are good for early waves since they cost only 100 and 1-hit anyone besides a juggernaut. The trick here is to purchase armor crate after wave 4 when their weak-a*s uzi's are replaced by PKM's. Don't over-extend yourself if armor gets broken tho. I usually buy Dual Kodachi's right after wave 1 and stick to it until I have enough money for a 200-rnd extended mag attachment on my PKM. I do pick up RPG's or shotguns to take down juggernauts tho.
If there are 3-4 players in the lobby I usually get a 200-rnd Bruen after a few waves alongside my 200-rnd PKM. It's hella fun especially after shooting down an attack chopper when I can immediately switch to the other LMG and continue to mow down incoming enemies. And if teammates are decent enough at holding angles, There should be sufficient time for me to reload between waves even at high waves where the break time will be reduced to mere seconds.
When there's only one rando or no teammate at all it's not so great of a method tho. I believe the most efficient loadout is a high-capacity while also fast-reloading primary such as an 100-rnd kilo, a Holger or an 84-rnd bizon plus an auto-shotty secondary, namely the Origin12 and AA12. On top of that, Thermites, whether from a thermite noobtube or a lethal equipment, could be a devastating tool for holding choke points with the help of grenade crates. Make sure to get enough armor, ammo and jugg suits (or sentry turrets if trying to play strictly without jugg suits) and that should be enough for you to survive until you get bored.
On a side note, underbarrel shotgun attachment for AR's has a terrific effect on juggernauts. While normal shotguns have little to no headshot multipliers, I believe this particular attachment does. Combined with FMJ, it 2-shots a juggernaut to the head. Obviously the downside is it only holds 8 rounds. It can be refilled by both ammo crates and grenade crates tho.
Gosh I hope they can add those ATV's back in Aniyah Palace in Survival
lol he dead if im in the juggernaut suit lol
I did the waiting for enemies thing in Modern Warfare 3 dome map,I used to camp at the ladder at the top rail of the dome.It was a good place cause the weapons box was under us,and the turrets box was near the start which was close.
Aye man I love this game and it makes me mad that this is the second time activision has had the opportunity to make it even better and is completely blowing it off for the second time. I believe COD MW needs a massive survival mode update. You know the one we’ve been waiting since MW3 for. #UpdateCODSurvival
As of May 12, 2021:
There are two bugs happening right now:
One is where you try to access the score/leader board or map during the game, but instead you get some small message on the upper right of your screen.
– The bug goes away or you can access the score board/map when everyone quit and you're the only player in the game.
The other bug is when you die with the group, and you get a black screen with some repeating sound in background.
– The bug isn't there when you are the only player in the game.
Nice work man
U are definitely going to go far with your current effort
Keep it up
Camp in a building with one or two narrow pathways. Get the jak12 or origin with 32 mag, let them gather and push w that mf shotgun. Ahahahahah. For the juggernaut enemy, use shotgun for a quick kill. Get close to it so it doesnt shoot you as it will try to melee you. 5 shots on the head and it’s gone
please drop a video on fixing search engines mines wont connect a match every thing else works
As of 4/20/21:
Survival Mode has been fixed and it works now.
Melee weapons such as the combat knife are great early on. Plus they are only 100. So if you only get one kill on the first round you have a great weapon that's a one hit kill.
SMGs are useful because they have the fastest movement speed besides melee weapons. They're great when you need to get to the buy stations quickly or make fast escapes.
When running an LMG you can use ammo boxes for quick reloads. Plus you can stand over the box and keep reloading. Obviously you can do the same with armor and grenade boxes.
Snapshot grenades are my go to because it lights up a lot of the enemies and you can see them through walls.
Molotov/ Thermite. When you toss a thermite the enemies will continue walking into and just keep dying until it extinguishes. They won't do that with molotovs. But you can use this to stop the enemies from advancing long enough to revive a teammate.
If you get a good squad that communicates well I suggest 1 person running the Riot shield. You can block a doorway from the suicide bombers. They'll explode when they get near you but you and your squad will be protected from the explosion.
Just wanted to share
Does anyone else notice that this survival mode starts off like survival mode on MW3 is when it gets to round 10
The vector is really good actually the fire rate makes up for the damage
An m4 with a gl is perfect
Juggernaut actually haves another limit….the shooting time
Thx I need this
Does it level up your gun if you are using it in survival??
Did mw always have survival mode in it and how am I just learning about this
Damn i missed out. I need my ps5….
Anyone else not able to find the button assignment for the gunsmith? It just says unassigned for me when I open the weapons table. I play on PC.