Call of Duty

Best controls for 2, 3, and 4 fingers!! (Claw tutorial + HUD) | Call of Duty Mobile | CODM Tips

In this video I teach you guys all about controls and how to pick the best ones in Call of Duty Mobile!

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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)

Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro

Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card

Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop

Intro Music: RUDE – Eternal Youth

#CodMobile #CODM #COD #Mobile #MobileGaming

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  1. Even though this videos old you helped me with my hud and I mastered it in 20 minutes and somehow I can get no scopes jump shots from buildings and more thanks

  2. If you prefer ADS on all rifles, hide your aim and put your ADS under your melee. You’ll have access always to ads and then know exactly where your melee is so you don’t need extra muscle memory looking for that melee. Many get excited when they’re facing an enemy suddenly and can’t find their knife. This will eliminate that.

  3. Thank you for including two fingers, I just started playing the game and I noticed some of my friends used four fingers to play the game. I tried but found it very difficult

  4. Hi this is from the future, 2022. Literally what the hell is 3d touch aiming 😂 Im so curious if anyone knows exactly what it is or how it works.

  5. Any advice you can give me while using a Redmagic 7S Pro? I'm having such a hard time moving away from the touch triggers it has to add more movement. I have great aim and timing using the triggers but my movement isn't the best since I use my right thumb for jump/slide while I use the phone triggers for ads and fire. Also do they allow the top mounted triggers in competition?

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