Call of Duty

Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction Mode Guide (Tips, Tricks, and Beginner Strategies)

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  1. I don't really understand why people hate on Extinction, it's a new turn that they tried to make instead of another Zombie map and DLC Zombie maps.

  2. Hey guys im a kid gamer and I post videos of any call of duty games I have no subs and it would mean the world to me if u guys will subscribe to me thank you.

  3. Thanks. I think these will come in handy. I tried it once but didn't really know shit. Maybe I know next time now. ;P Little different from zombies. I didn't like zombies at all even though I think I prefer Treyarch's multiplayer over IW but this extinction seems cool!

  4. I don't care how you play your class just make sure you protect the drill and complete all the challenges, if you have a mic talk to each other work out what you are going to spec as then, stun and fire ammo are sorta pointless just keep normal ammo till you get explosive, always throw out new ammo and armour when you get max money, at each barrier you can also deal damage if you use a turret on it, grenade turret does the best damage for the price it costs so use them to speed up time and always kill the scorpions first!!! if you are a weapon specialist focus fire them and let the tank or medic deal with the others.

  5. i am open to anything i will join with people who are higher than level 10, and my mic is broke, but i know all the secret achievements rules, etc… i will add anyone on xbox live and tomorrow or after tomorrow we can get any achievements, my GT id mattz675 and i am open to anything, reply to add, need further info on my class? Feel free to ask. and thnx 🙂 P.S. I am at 800 achievements for cod ghost.

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