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Call of Duty: Ghosts Extinction Gameplay! In this video, I play Extinction Mode, the new alien survival mode in Call of Duty: Ghosts in co-op. I will go through and teach new players the best loadouts, upgrades, hidden weapons such as the Hypno Knife & much more. This isn’t Zombies, it’s a completely new survival experience separate from that but it is VERY good! Make sure you’re subscribed for loads of other Call of Duty: Ghosts videos including Extinction, Multiplayer & Squads!
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sigh, only 11 vids, one of which is actual quality know how game play 🙁
I have only managed to beat the first level twice in my whole life…that thing is HARD AF
mine is 43c mins and 33 seconds because i used a timer
Did u guys know that the trophy is actually a shield against the goo crpitds
how did you get the paint on the vector?
I couldn't get past the cabin hives. BTW I am playing solo.
couldn't even tell this wasn't xbox one till the notifications popped up
Looking for the people to do the challenges in Xbox 360
Must have mic
Gt: Kyon19
Msg me on xbox if you want to do it
nice one
if anybody wants to play lol lilcuh66
hit me up
No what you need is Cryptid Slayer Ammo and Explosive ammo and P226
i pressed like i knew it doesent make a sound but i pressed it anyway
I mean I like this guys commitment but I do not agree with his strategy
is there a way to create a second local party profile for extinction? every time we play local play second player starts at lvl 1. ive clicked on the create a profile but it still ends up saying guest 2
If your not using weapon specialist which I think is a selfish class cos it doesn't help your team, you should use engineer or medic, or both if you havd double class. My friend told me to jse that and I was scared that my reloading would be slow as fuck but kf you use team boosters you can get faster reloading and ads and off hand use and swap over weapons
I always use this Loadout because I always go for Teeth so I can upgrade stuff.
I use the relics Pistol Only and Mortal. I use the MP-4433 (which is a beast when fully upgraded and it makes you run faster which is very usefull when you have low health), Armor Piercing (the best against Rhino's and also the other Cryptids), Armor (it doubles your health when fully upgraded), Vulture (a beast when fully upgraded, you don't have to take it with you all the time like a Sentry Gun and it keeps protecting you when you have to run away to regenerate health) and Crowd Control (gives you a lot of protection when fully upgraded and you could use it to distract Rhino's so your teammates can kill it).
Because you have Pistol Only you can fully focus on that pistol and because you have Mortal you save some Skill points which you can use for the other things so they can be fully upgraded faster.
It never fails me. I use it for both solo and co-op.
I havent beaten it
Why did you only use about 4 propane tanks when you had a lot more stacked?
And only 1 person had armour on… and only upgraded it to +1, at the very end…
Best time: 2:18 remaining, best score, ~601k
Becuz I don't play much extinction I have 2 missions completed maybe 4000 aliens killed 30 revives nobody besides friends plays extinction with me they think I'm a noob but I'm the last person to go down when the game ends I'm the dude who fixes the drill revives the medic first and spends the most on ammo and armor I'm also normally the player who charges and kills the rhino while my teammates run in fear some noob I am take a chance on people huh guys they just might surprise you
I done this map in 40 mins on solo
I destroyed all the hives in about the same time as u did but with no downs
y incindaray ammo?? y not explosive??
Not bad but I believe that at the last hive to keep the Sentry guns in the water while the electric is turned on so that the sentry guns are defended by it. Also If using Propane tanks make sure you throw one in at a time and explode them. It is way more effective
Got PS4? Got PSN? Want to play with an experienced player (completed both maps)? Add me: ShadowBlaDerp
me + friends wer on extiction and the drill was just about to go and i got there wen it was on 0
Mixing ammo, you can't do that. Unless two different teammates have the different ammo.
thanxs MrDalekJD, u beat it two times with your tips thanxs so much.
For anyone having trouble escaping just use crowd control and wait in a corner near the meteor until it despawns, you can also distract the rhino while your teammates kill it, you also don't need to max it out I'd say put at least 2 skill points in it.
u lier i pushed the button and nothin happen then u say jk
lol who pressed the like button straight away then he said he was kidding?
Hey, could someone tell me what explosive actually does?
Didn't expect incendiary ammo to be so usefull
Poo Jab
I have never beaten the mode, but my revive record in one match is 17
Modded controller?