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In this Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Video, I go through some Tips and Tricks on how to Get Semtex Sticks with the Semtex Grenade. This is Part of the BO2 Challenge ‘HUMILIATION’ You Unlock a Really Good Title and Emblem so Make sure to Try this out to Get Better at Black Ops 2!
LynxWarlord (Alex)
Black Ops 2: Tips and Tricks – Semtex Sticks! (Call of Duty BO2 Multiplayer)
Black Ops 2: Tips and Tricks – Semtex Sticks! (Call of Duty BO2 Multiplayer)
Black Ops 2: Tips and Tricks – Semtex Sticks! (Call of Duty BO2 Multiplayer)
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oct 2016 🙁 comeback
All I need are seven more sticks, but I can't get them because whenever I play on my PS3 its slow as shit help!!!!!!!!!!!
do hail mary next
Do tips on accaracy
U never make new videos
One fact you always need flak jacket
I got it 7 times and dint get the emblem help me 🙁
You so bad
It helped me alot
do you want to add me my name is : ZxSNIJPER-PROxZ its on ps3 mabye you can help me?
If u have ps3 add me and look at my edited films it's in nuketown for campers in the A spawn my PSN is ARAB_SWAGGER_F16
I got Hail Mary yesterday
Cheers I got this is 3 matches
Thanks, plz do Haile Mary
"hey WHOUTZ going on GAIZZ. This is lYYNX WOARLOURD HEARE" ?! wtf man
to be honest I am a new subscriber but your videos are really great and thank you for helping us on black ops 2 thanks bro really.
do backfire!!!
your tips and tricks are awesome, but your voice is annyoing as f
Go on demolition and sick them when they plant
1 more for humiliation master
XD thanks mate I only need 9 more for master of humiliation!
I dont know why people dont just like the video if they did like it but left without hitting the like button. It would help everyone if you hit the like button.
How to long distance trowing axe????
You deserve way more subscribers, bro =/
Ima add u whn i get bck on my new acc ZeRo_RaZoRz
Hail fucking Mary I fucking my kd its making me feel like a fucking shit
Hail Mary
@maksimiljan123 hilarious
Remember, if you get stuck, make sure to show how much you appreciate it by giving the guy who stuck you a nice hug.
This was the funnest challenge ever 😀
u should do an intro