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you talk to damn much
Ughhhhh I can’t get to play zombies in peace I keep lagging and lagging connection interrupted
Every online game is pay to win
You need a good connection to BUY
Me try usb charger
Can u use phone chager
No my controllers wireless😑
No I don’t know what a Ethernet cable isOH MY GOD
LOL you are playing against bots
So on
My ping goes to 16 to 999 to 16 to 436
Hey, I currently am experiencing freezing issues when I play multiplayer and on Fortnite. At first I thought it was my PS4, So I opened it and cleaned, and did the rebuilding database thing. Nothing Changed so I uninstalled both games and it was fine after that. 4 days later, Problem is back and I don't think it's my PS4 because Custom Games is fine.
Any Solutions?
My Internet is good and when i play multiplayer it works perfect but when sometimes i play der eisendrache Im just like lagging and glitchin everwhere and it shows the full green shit How do i fix this.
Also your vid made me lag
My tip is get a better wifi im sorry i had too lol
I lag on local zombies how the fuck can I fix this I just spent 110$ on this damn game to lag on local
What happend if we cannot afford a ethernet
On Xbox one it's not me that lags it's the people around me
u suck u just tell why u cant show ??
Here go to Walmart and it will have routers and they are great I got one only lag with bad servers you guys should get it $21.89 for me try👍
2:00 for the tips CODBO 3 FIX
can I get 1 Like for no reason ?
i start to lag alot when i get more into the game. its probably just my luck, once i start doing decent i go downhill from there because IM KEEPING LAGGING TO THE SAME PLACE EACH TIME I MOVE!!
what happens with me, it lag spikes like crazy going from 17 ping to 400?!?!I use an ethernet cable, whats wrong. I have pretty good connection on battlefield.
I don't understand any of these.. what is broadband at and Ethernet whatever
I have a question what am I supposes to do if my map and gun amo won't show in my game
Tbh switching from wifi to Ethernet never helps me non , not even on my PC
5:50, thats not gonna happen, if you have your ps4 connected wired, you can keep your devices connected wireless, i tested this on a computer, 6 devices connected to it, im running a 100mbps, that separates connection on wireless, like i get either 20 to 30mbps on a computer on wireless, 95mbps wired in
i can solve the over heat issue, my router has a usb port, all i gotta do is get a labtop fan that cools down labtops to prevent it to over heat and use it on my router and modem
Thanks for the video. I tried this method and I haven't even lag at all. I know I can expect some here and there, but this is the best video I will share to my friends. Subscribed!
I always one bar and can't connect to game
My ping is like 400 the whole time and I can't even control my person
when I play with my 2friends on zombies everyone except for the host lags does anyone know how to resolve this
Wow never mind, actually I play local player zombies and it lags so bad on round two alread… It doesn't even say connection interruption😭😭😭
Wait, but what if I'm playing zombies online but a private match or solo game. Is it normal to still be lagging? It has never done that to me but now my solo game is lagging like a bitch👎🏻
Wait, but what if I'm playing zombies online but a private match or solo game. Is it normal to still be lagging? It has never done that to me but now my solo game is lagging like a bitch👎🏻
Who else always only has 1 bar when playing?
I'm on 4 bars and I still lag
I got the new update today and it has become so laggy I can't even get kills
this doesnt work for all internet companys but keep playing black ops 3 and you will still get lag but notice less and less each time you play because your internet will be used to giving that amount of data
i just got an xbox one 3 days ago but my friend let me borrow bo3 today. The lag is so bad that i literally cannot go 2 seconds without freezing, and everyone is teleporting. Its making me so mad that my throat hurts from raging so much. i need help fixing this, because the lag is extremely terrible
I lag on bo3 when I stream on Xbox one
I am up to the point where I can't even control my player cause of the lag
im able to play my xbox 360 just fine but on my xbox one i cant even play 1 min without lag on bo3