Hey Guys Fc, and today im bringing you guys a tips and tricks episode on the AK-47 Assault Rifle. Hope you guys Enjoy the Video Later.
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Python Acog
theres no way to kill a player when they have the AK, it outguns every other gun in the game
My Favorito ¡¡¡The AK47!!!
It's really powerful.
Dual mag also gives you 50% more ammo, so it lessens the need for scavenger
cod 4 i prefer the red dot
famas or aug are good for rushing also
With sleight of hand you don't need fast mags
74u is better
go EAST go WEST ak-47 is the best
thank you ak7 is better without a sight
6 noobs dont know how to use ak47
These Tips and Tricks are very benificial. I'm pretty sure anybody that watches these videos will gain very useful information ncluding myself.
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my ak47 class used mainly for tactical gameplay ;D
Ak47 Dual mag-faster first reload and 2extra mags
cz75 automatic upgrade cz is a good pistol to me and when it gets tight i like having something faster!
Perks 1 Ghost pro Perk 2 Hardened pro perk 3 hacker pro
nades semtex tac nades concusio
ak47 kick ass
he obviousy said or
no it does more
I find that it does reduce the damage at medium range
Who the hell would have a makarov as a secondary the only reason I use it is becuase of dual wield
Does the suppressor lessen the damage?
my favorite gun
I honestly believe that spy planes are a bit too overpowered and Treyarch should allow it to be a higher killstreak. Anyone else agree
Automatic Kalashnikov 47