Here’s 11 HUGE Tips to Win more games in Call of Duty WARZONE!
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In this video, we’re breaking down the best tips and tricks to win more games in Call of Duty WARZONE! Winning more games in COD WARZONE isn’t the easiest thing in the world, however with these tips, winning should be a lot easier. In Warzone, you can master the predictive recoil, focus on certain positions, avoid making common mistakes, and then some to ensure you’re the last one standing. Warzone plays a little different than Modern Warfare does, and thus, some different tips come into play, and hopefully this video breaks them down for you in the best way possible!
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#Warzone #CODWarzone #CallOfDuty
What's your highest kill game so far? As always, thanks for watching!
How many pro-people were noobs and there were no roze skins wow!
6:44 Looks like Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars took this tip from you " IT'S OVER ANAKIN, I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!"
Thanks for the vid!
2:02 that was disgusting
Oh i didnt realise guns have recoil patterns😂i just tought that its down. Recoil patterns shouldnt be that hard to learn after memorizing csgo recoil patterns. That was the best tip imo
I swear high ground is not worth it. Ppl expect u to be up there and just cluster strike it. u silhouette against the sky. I'll be in the bushes down low taking u out. Unless its high enuf to parachute its not worth ti
only red flare for squad re
red flare = buy back a member
yellow flare = recon mission started
What is that cammo that you use?
Monitor settings please
Go for contracts yes, though keep in mind, its easy to tell which area most likely have people based on which area has low amount of contracts, aswell as you can see when a contract is picked up by it disapearing on your tact map.
Red flare means squad member bought in
Gold/yellow means recon contract has capture has started
Yeah but what about the assholes that stay in a helicopter until the last zone and then finally drop when it's time.
Cheers matey hope you comment and great tips 😀😀
I need good teammates 😭. Avg 7500 score per game, 8 wins, 2.6 KD. Blue3paleriderJR#5664378
I noticed you added the 50 round mag to your M4 load out that you had in your best loadouts video for Warzone, I’m just wondering what you swapped things out for, but nonetheless, another great video
Finally got my first Warzone win last night in Solo. Felt great! Thanks for your help…I used your load out of the Grau and HDR😁
The sounds in war zone are terrible a guy landed right behind me and killed me. I have Astro’s and those bitches are cranked up too.
So I'm trying to go for damascus camo. Do I have to get all camos for battlepass guns, even If i havent unlocked them?
Solo is soooo whack
So everyone also knows if your squad all have a UAV all of you call a uav it will give you an advanced
I'm still trying to figure out why warzone doesn't have it's in custom class slots separate from the multiplayer custom class slots
Cod needs to fix sound
Do the flag bounties. It will
Show you the next circle. If you do four, it will pretty much show you the final circle.
To All :
Don't forget to buy the Gfuel you assholes lol
can you drop equipped weapons?
That kill and instant drop was crazy! And then the like killed me
Flares dont always mean revive, it can also mean that people are doing a ‘recon’ mission and holding the position
Don’t flares go off for recon bounty’s? As well I mean.
Win more games???? I have just figured out how to land without being slaughtered. Winning games is way off yet. Multiplayer I'm fine with, this is just hard. I've even been killed by somebody shooting on there way down.