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– Ali-A
Video uploaded & owned by Ali-A.
What if you run out of characters but have 2 levels of prestige left?
change Ali-es patch like this is gonna hurt
I am prestige 4 lvl 48 my friend has max prestige 1
Prestige 9 level 49
level 60 21-4 all day every day!
What does time played mean ?
Hey Ali-A I am prestige 10
Who doesnt like mechs or exosuits or hovering bloody vehicles?
(lots of people dont im just saying that those things are da shizzle) and my z key is broken FUUUUDGE CAKE
I have 2 days played and I'm about to be perstiege 5
I suck at Ghost I'm a Level 57 with about 22 hours played lol, I don't play COD a lot anymore. Treyarch makes the best COD's so I was best at BO and BO2
Ali-A can you do a video about how to get squad points
Rank 17 no prestige dont play lots
You have now unlocked a golden combat knife
What clan is Ali a in?
Prestige 1 level 22
Im on prestige 10
Cod king a hail Ali a
Hit Prestige 5 last night, as for squad points i got over 1400, i do believe i am getting better at the game, as for you Ali A, yer i like your videos you put on here but you Dont talk to none of people who ask you questions!! Why do you think people subscribe to ya? To watch your videos and to probably ask you questions an stuff!!
Rank 58 prestige 7
Prestige 5
Prestige 5
prestige 4 lv 59
Ali-F = Ali-Fail 😀
Prestige 2 lvl 49 4 guns gold KD 2.541 only had game for 3 weeks playtime 2 days 3hours
Ali-a says he has only played for 4 days well buddy your ugly face is covering it its is probaly 7 days but he wont show and the only reason you do good is because you back out of every game if there is good people and the people you play with are some of the worst cod players ever
Prestige 8, Lvl 11, 5d 16h 12m playtime, 3.984 K/D
Prestige 10 KD- 21.4
55 1.020 k/d
does alia play with subscribers? i like tdm 🙂
7th level 34
4th prestige level 59 k/d 1.001
Prestige 1 I dont play that much my KD is Low
Onyx is now recruiting on xbox 360 if your interested message BIG BRO DYLAN
How do u get the spectrum camo?
Prestige 10 lvl 60. K/D 2.00
Prestige 10 lvl 60. K/D 2.00
Prestige 6 lvl 13. Fav weapon USR. KD 1.2
Im no prestige level 11 lol some of us have work tho 🙁
black ops 2 kdr was 4.9 but on ghost its only 3.3 :/