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Rip hellhond
eh removed the dog, now the man is fat instead of him 🙁
Him : playing BR with 60 FPS and high graphics
Me play BR with 15 FPS with lowest graphics
Annihilator is best weapon in CODM battle royal
Use by 15 against butcher it gives more damage to zombie boss
your best
1:20 so satisfying 🤤🤤
Thank me later 😜
Is the tempest as good
Can the tank kill the hell hound?
Annihilator: I'm inevitable
Hellhound: and…i…am hellhound
Annihilator: im packed with power
Hellhound: hold my bone
Trap master is better concealed in grass. Tried it the day it came out
This is annihilator?i always thought it as a pistol
3:00 thumbnail fight..thanx me later 😉
Never thought for this one dude
Is this a private battle royale ?
How to find annihilator? In battleroyal
It seems to me that it's pointless against the hellhound
How is it new if I’ve been using that ? Stealing my ideas shit stupid
Thanks I dident know they could not see my trap
Do more videos like this bro it's really helpful ❤️❤️❤️
Anyone know why i cant reach 60fps in br mode? Im using 2018 ipad.
The trap will be visible to everyone one's it catched enemy. It will turned red.
Me:why does the annihilator look so familiar, oh yeah
flashback to overwatch Mcree revolver
It work on mine
How's the hell I was so strong against annihilator
0:52 I don't think you should heal yet
I’m pretty sure flares are supposed to be used against fhj 18 missiles
2:54 what you clicked on for you can thank me later
Aca le decimos el anikilador
I only used the war machine against the fucking zombie dog and I won!!😎💵
But i thought in season six there is no flare
thanks for the info man I