I got you the top ten tips to help you improve in cod mobile undead siege
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#codm #codmobile #codmobileundeadsiege
Another TIP is don’t go straight into hard! Play the easy one so you can upgrade your talent it makes hard way easier trust me grind that first and you’ll have the camo in no time! And do the challenges they help you upgrade too
It sads me that people find Nolan North's voice annoying but it really sounds like they phoned it in with this game mode.
As nice as it is to hear the original voice cast, they just can't top their performances in Der Riese and Kino.
Fun fact you actually can deploy your turent up the house ruff but make sure its in the circle so the plonger can reach🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
Yeah, after you know where to place the max turrets, you basically can't lose.
Been winning Hard mode with randoms
I think theres a chance the OG zombies will be returning. Apparently they still have the files for it.
If no one knows this: those power up drinks are always located near a mystery box. So look for the light. The actual mystery box isn't worth it, but you'll find a vending machine where ever you find a mystery box
Whats the phone u use to play cod mobile i have sumsung s20 and i have lot of lag and fps drops a lot :/
My tip is always move your turret around
Another tip: If you see Necromancer (zombie that look like pink jellyfish), kill it first, because if we don't kill it, it will buff all of the zombie on the battlefield (makes zombies harder to kill, esp Heavy Gunner) .
Tip for day time mission: kill butcher or crystal from chopper!…👍
Is targetting the necromancer a tip? Because they reduce the damage taken for the zombied which will be difficult to beat
My device was blow up , too hot to play CODM 😭🔥😭
How kills count work in zombie mode
Man, it's getting real old dealing 50+% of the damage each game. Hopefully everyone watches this. 😂
Thank yoyu jokesta this will help me!!!
This zombie mode is good, if they can make it pvp style it will be more fun.. I can see they try to make it like mobile legends when you try to defend the station with turent but it will be mo fun if you can add someone to fight with. Complete eachother, for the survival. It will be much better..
My tips kill necromancer zombie first. Always kill it first..
what is that purple symbol on the map that on some parts of the map
Tip: you can also use the Bizon because it has a lot of bullets and deals tons of damage
Tip2: just hipfire whenever your close to the enemies because its not only hitting one but multiple at once, very good for melting a ton of zombies close together
Tip3: always go on missions and airdrops to get upgrading materials
Tip4: if you've mazed out the turrets and your base is getting destroyed just heal the base and leave the zombies to the turrets
Tip5: I really recommend buying atleast one cannon turret ( the machine gon mods, left left and right to build it) because it deals extra damage to elite monsters and the attack speed is insane
Tip5: Always get the necromansers first because it reduces the damage dealt to zombies (I think you can see this tip at the loading of the match)
Tip6: Always put your excess materials or if you don't need them in the public warehouse to help your teammates build their turrets
One tip is to snipe the necromancers on sight. They will make the zombies much tankier so getting rid of them is essential.
Another is never take the helicopter and leave your teammates alone. Some of them may want to use it and take them to the places they want to loot so that you and your team can work effeciently.
My last one is if you see a side mission. NEVER ignore it. They are easy to complete with at least one teammate and they will provide the best loot for you.
I didn't even know there were perks on the map that's awesome. I also didn't know that you could repair the main base with your wrench that's a really good tip. Great tips a video. 🤙🏻
I actually recommend the bizon personally. It does 72 dmg and has an 84 round magazine. It does almost double the dmg of the rpd, has about half the ammo but reloads much quicker. It shreds through zombies
I want to know, how I can defeat the heavy gunner, it takes literally forever to kill him even with a Goliath
he scammed us of one tip by saying subscribe to him
that s not good
but i am already subscribed
Those purple things are aether crystals bruuuhhhh.lmao
Thanks alottt man love you and your videos you are my inspiration and favourite youtuber keep it up big fan 🥰🥰🤗🤗😍😍♥️♥️💯💯🔥🔥🔥😘😘
Best tip use vtol
These tips help me win hard mode ngl ty bro ☺️
Do the weapons you pick up follow your setup? That's not how this works right
Try to find some OG tank dempseys xD im one of them hahhahahhaha
How i can play side mission, i cant find any
I love you and your content jokesta
Can i have a full draw
TIP: Use the sniper againts the heavy gunner it does 10k damage
There's a big problem with zombies and my phone….sometimes when I'm playing casual or hard mode it sometimes freezes and restarts my phone.Its been doing this since the release on Saturday
Lmk if ya tryna do this Gt is AintEzy please serious players please only
Another TIP while upgrading your turret if you hit with the wrench it will upgrade a lot quicker
Just wion my first match 2million damage
Always heal your base after u gun down a heavy gunner…. Never forget to heal
Use war machine when the enemy converge as a crowd
Death machine for the heavy gunners head
Goliath is meh (always go for the head) but will still protect you
It's OK to leave the side quest and go for drops
This is from my experience
…. Cheers… Happy Hunting
Could you please show us your settings for zombies since it's limited
Jokesta Iam very sad because I have lost my CoD account which I created in 2019 😥😢😰
bonus tip, on first round use wrench to kill wardens because its 2 shot
How to deposit materials? Which button to press?
Can you tell us, where to find all the drinks?
I use wrench in daytime and also in the night ( unless it's an emergency ) this is to save bullets.
Hahaha thank you very kindly brother but personally with my stress related epileptic seizures it’s just better to enjoying watching others doing it I give it a go and it turned me into a bigger mess than I normally am 😂😂 my brain just don’t work fast enough! It’s like a kid doing chores for it’s pocket money while it’s sister just get hers for being a girl, 😂 much love brother and as always stay safe and healthy Jokesta 😘👍✌️
3:03 It was a successful guess