Call of Duty

TOP 5 CALL OF DUTY TIPS: How to Improve & Play Better! (Elite Black Ops 3 M8A7 Gameplay)

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 w/ EliteShot

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  1. Tips that are great I learn over the past from players and you that I've come across were:
    1. Practice against bots. Regular difficulty for improving sensitivity and Hardened for improving both sensitivity and reaction time. A lot of times I find myself shooting late or freaking out from not reacting in time that I'm missing bullet hits.
    2. Trying your best and staying calm about things
    3. Learning to keep the enemy from hitting you while hitting them. Jumping around, staggering yourself doing zig zags
    4. Keeping defensive postures as you go through the maps, learning them and possible staying in as much cover while center at the enemies. When there are more enemies in one room sometimes you have to make it where you only see one as you are killing and moving in angles to see more. Killing one at a time. Of course if they have fmj, you're chance of surviving is off.
    5. Centering your crosshair in the most likely spots people may come from.

  2. me: after tip 1, liked the vid and subscribed, after tip 2 unliked and unsubscribed , after tip 3 liked again and subscribed , and after tip 5 unliked and unsubscribed… and this is true story btw

  3. just watch good and best players play. Note when they run,stop and try to aim. How they move while shooting someone e.t.c
    Just see and learn there moves try to make them your own and that's it

  4. 3:11 Is he actually serious? Thats the last thing you want. Devote your "Best" to your family, peers, and friends. Your second point completely overlaps your first. Your saying this to a fan base of average people that play COD. Making somebody do their "Best" will only strain them putting more weight on their shoulders. At the end of the day, in any game the most inportant thing is to spend your gaming experience with friends.

  5. The second I started watching I subscribed. I was absolutely moved by the end of the video with your enthusiasm and passion. I clicked on your video expecting just to learn some tips but I learned much more! There are some communities on YouTube that aren’t dead and filled with hatred. I love your kindness and how humble you are. Keep up the amazing work, sir!

  6. Worst issue i face is that im stressing too much to rank up, when a new cod game is released. Cause there is so much pressure around ranking up and being the best..

    But when i have gone back to earlier cods to play, i have loads of fun and im usually going beastmode.. My mentality is ruining cod for me xD

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