Call of Duty

Was the Type25 Buffed? + NEW HBRa3 Info!!! | Call of Duty Mobile | COD Tips

In todays video we discuss a potential Type25 buff and a some small HBRa3 news we have!

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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)

Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro

Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card

Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop

Intro Music: I’m so alone – BOJET

#CodMobile #CODM #COD #Mobile #MobileGaming

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  1. To the people who watch Ferg and actually take his advice, just take it with a grain of salt. The guy's full of shit and should NOT be taken seriously. He overhypes literally every new gun within a 50 mile radius saying "durrr new weapon durrrr no recoil on this thing hurrrrr". At this point I'm hoping that the people who say the guy is correct is just trolling. I mean do you seriously expect Ferg to provide any accurate infos when msmc recoil is shown to be nothing to the guy? Smh.

  2. The m21 ebr,hG40,chicom,m4lmg,shotguns,gks,m16 they all need a major buff those are all the guns that are useless in the game they should increase the accuracy on the shotgun because the accuracy is shit right now

  3. Gosh, I want to play CODM but I don't have friends so I get paired with useless randoms

    They won't capture B together, just rush to A/C and get killed because it's the enemies' base, some are AFK as well

    The enemies are either OP or I really have a really bad team

  4. did someone notice that the type 25 bloody vengeance is the only legendary AR skin that actually has the range boost perk? the other legendary AR skins actually have the perk that you get extra ammo when you kill enemies close range…

  5. I have no Idea why HawksNest has less subscribers than IFerg, hawks nest actually puts in the work and has very reliable info and IFerg in the otherhand just tries to be the first one to talk about the topic regardless of the info source.

  6. I think each perk is have a different way to use,
    1. Speed is good for rush, like type 25, ak117, and the other gun with good firerate
    2. Range damage is good for support, like m16, lk24, and the other gun with great long damage
    3. Faster magazine reload good for lmg and smg with small magazine, like msmc, pharo, and all lmg
    4. Added bullet for double kill is great for medium range weapon, like KN 44, rus 79, so you can get more kill except in SnD mode
    5. Reduce spread of bullet (legendary smg perk) correct me i if i am wrong, is great for msmc and pharo
    6. Legendary and epic perk of sniper is best, depends of use, but if you use your sniper for rush, rare perk is best
    It's my opinion, common and uncommon skin still the best camouflage and your enemy maybe didn't notice you
    So, the conclusion is every skin has a advantage

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