I am a multiple game #1 Player hoping to achieve his dreams in COD Mobile, subscribe if you love Mobile Gaming!
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#CODM #CODMobile #CallOfDutyMobile
4 year ago hahah
Damn can’t believe it’s been 4 years watching u
Ferg invented quickscopeing 😮
what is the name of that sniper
Well this nostalgic.
Old snipers were so fun😭
Sup good vid
at this point, If ferg played search and destroy, he would be up there with the top
Legend is back!
I Will Try This Og Sniper Loadout For Fun Thanks Iferg😊
Old ferg
You probably won’t see this because it is 2 years old but can you put the intro that you have in this video in your video’s that you do now for just 1 video if you can that would be great have a good day
Omg that layout tho. So nostalgic. Has it really been two years already?
Can you sponsore me red action pls
lvl to ;p
Me missing a shot cuz scope movement
Me: who made this gun
What’s the scoop called he has on the Sniper
Memories bring back memories bring back
Recommend ughh
omg thers red action
i miss the old ferg
Past Ferg i challenge you to a 1v1 using sniper 😂
wait how u make a sniper do more damge
We got a sniper god here
Watching the first vid i have ever seen frin him after 2 years
Pure nostalgia right here
You know I’m alive , with you ~~
Best player❤️
Ok 👍👍
Is it just me or do I have a H20 purifier
Ah…. good ol' and simple days….
are you able to give us a update with the recent gun smith
Who else is here in 2021?!
Crossfire is hands down the best map for snipers
Good old days
Is it me but im watching dis in 2021 🤡✋🏻
This is so nostalgic in 2021😭😭
Back then before gunsmith introduced to COD Mobile… Everything was fine and all guns are goods to use… When season 1 i don't buy BP till season 5… Season 6 I buy the BP till now…