Call of Duty

Call Of Duty WARZONE: 13 BIG MISTAKES You’re STILL Making! (Tips To Improve)

Here’s 13 Mistakes you could be making, and how to fix them in Call of Duty WARZONE!
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Call Of Duty WARZONE: TOP 5 OVERPOWERED Loadouts To Use! (WARZONE Best Setups) –

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In this video, we’re breaking down a handful of mistakes you’re still making in Call of Duty WARZONE and talking about how to fix them and become a a better player! COD WARZONE has plenty of different strats that can help you get more wins, get more kills, and all around help you improve at the game. These mistakes are common ones players make that ultimately hinder their ability to improve at the game, so this tips and tricks should help you become a better player in no time. These tips focus on helping you learn more about WARZONE and Modern Warfare in general, alongside how to approach different areas of the game to gain a better understanding of it!

Thanks so much for checking out another video! If you liked what you saw, make sure to subscribe to the channel with notifications on so you can catch all the future content! Every day there’s a new video and/or stream to check out!

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  1. An extension tip for what is stated here with the gas mask on why staying in the gas can be better: If you are engaged while entering and exiting the gas constantly, the animation for the gas mask will interrupt your firing, so it can definitely be better to just fall back into the gas a little bit to finish that engagement. Getting stuck on that animation loop as you enter and exit the gas can be disastrous.

  2. Guys if anyone can help with this problem please do. I downloaded the 1.20 update 2 weeks ago when i got the game and now its downloading the same update again and i cant play the game on the ps4 i dont know what to do my internet isnt big enough to download it again

  3. Idk about console but on pc you can change Aamir behavior to reply all and that way you only have to press the armor key one time and I will put the max amount of plates on

  4. Why the hell would you tell people about the trophy system on vehicles.. This bullshit needs fixed.. No way to blow up a vehicle makes them stupid OP.. This seriously pisses me off

  5. I've been getting a lot of second place games and most of then come down to 2 things, we miss the high ground or theres a full squad left when its just 1 of us left. We are trying to go for very aggressive warzone matches going for bounties all the time, its a lot of fun but seeing as were just 2 we always go up against 3, its a challenge and it usually ends up ok and we get a lot of action and fun regardless, but we suffer the late game a bit either by number dissadvantage and the pressure it causes vs a full squad that knows what theyre doing.

  6. Add on to #8 and #10

    #8: there’s a sound the game makes when someone has been revived, u can hear any revive even if it wasn’t u or ur team that downed the player.

    #10: after grabbing ur first loadout, the next loadout u grab will always highlight the same loadout.
    For example if ur first loadout was loadout #2, the next time u grab ur loadout it’ll still be on #2.

  7. XclusiveAce released a video last November saying that if you run ghost & don't use a suppressor, you won't show up on the radar while shooting. Does anyone know if that is still the case? Or has it been changed in warzone?

  8. 3:20 Theres another tipp with the self rest, when you started the revive and smby else is finishing it you ca move while he is finishing the revive, really helpfull for example moving into the zone or cover

  9. If you run a sniper rifle, here are two important tips.
    1. Ads attachments can be just as viable as long range ones. For example if you're fighting another sniper it helps to be able to get back on target faster after reloading
    2. If you're in a building with multiple windows, remember to move around a lot so if an enemy sees you you can bait them into the open and get an easy headshot

  10. Hey, hi my bro, how ya doing? I know this might be unpopular to request, but it’s fresh. I have NEVER not played HC since COD came out. Would you possibly consider a top 5 best guns for HC mode some day? It would mean so much coming from you. Love the content my man!

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