Episode 8 of MythBusters! Where we take a deeper look into the RC car, Hives, Gravity spikes, and the XS1 Goliath!
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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)
Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro
Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card
Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop
Intro Music: I’m so alone – BOJET
#CODMobile_Partner #CodMobile #CODM #COD #Mobile #MobileGaming
10,000 likes and I'll upload another episode!! (or 350,000 subs)
I can't believe that people didn't know about the RC spam thing
yo check 3:22 it said won't stop gravity spikes but it said busted here 3:42 but it stops so it didnt stop it so?
Check mine out
Myth: can you attach a trip mine to a hunter killer drone?
Can care package destroy RC car?????
Should ve let one opponent run cold blood and the other opponent behind him without cold blood and see if the RC car loaded with hives when going through the first opponent towards the next opponent without cold blooded, will the first opponent die of hives
People who didnt even know u can spam the shoot button when being shocked by the rc is kind of dumb because you see the buttons flashing on your shoot buttons
i love this series
Like this post and call of duty will add a fursuit skin
How do you get the rc to stay
14k likes and no episode 9
XS1 Goliath death explosion can eliminate enemy h.i.v.e traps
Codm should hire Hawksnest
on. y screen to break rccar faster there r 2 lightning bolts and u click them both fast and it.breaks it quick..
So that's why my gravity spikes doesn't work.
The gravity spikes dont kill when you jump!? This helps
Can the enemy h.i.v.e kill the shock rc
Myth:ypu can destroy your own trip mine
I want to help but I cant install cod cuz it's too big
How do I make it to where I can see other player's character skins
3:22 its actually true not busted
How you stop the Shock RC?
Thx bro