“Call of Duty Mobile Pro Tips and Tricks – How to WIN EVERY GAME in COD Mobile Gun Game! Gun Game BEST Tips and Tricks (COD Mobile Pro Tips) Call of Duty Mobile Season 9 Gameplay (Season 9 Leaks Secrets) Tips and Tricks Multiplayer/Battle Royale/Ranked, New Update Season 9 iOS/Android”
How to Get MORE Kills and WIN!! (Ranked & BR)
→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oR5mEBZpMw
Hi everyone! This is ExxotikGaming, and welcome back to more Call of Duty Mobile! Today I am super excited to tell you all of my best tips and tricks for Gun Game, my favorite game mode in this game! We go super in-depth on everything you need to know, and all the pro tips and tricks that can help you get an edge on everyone else in that match. Whether it be Summit, Crash, Standoff, or anything in between, this video will make you a pro at Gun Game!!
Hope you guys enjoyed! Liking, favoriting, and subscribing helps a ton! 😀
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→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O9-fok0o54
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#CODMobile_Partner #CallOfDutyMobile #TipsAndTricks
What is call of duty
My account is gone but im still op
Here in garena ver.
Full of kids
Doesnt use mini map
Moves like a bot
Shitty aim
No teamwork
Tryhard players
Skinners but not skilled
Campers in every corner
Its like everything you can think off
Well i know some of you will not agree with me but i still respect that
Ive reach legend 3x because my team always sucks im always top 2-3 but always lose
I dont recommed you guys play in SEA its the worst
My user name on Call of duty
exotic:quickscoping is never a good thing
quickscopers:am I a joke to you?
M21 ebr is the hardest i always be first until i reach m21 its so hard to get kill
How come ive seen people on multiplayer that slide and snipe and theyre the best player
Wow, 22 dislikes, and 1k likes, congrats!
i don't what he's saying struggling "sniper" is probbaly that because you know
im a pro before wacthing this
and im level 60 by the way
Why in my phone iplay codm why all people or the skin looks all the same?
*publishes video
*Feels good
*Notices that gun game is gone 😀
Even tho gun game isn't an LTM anymore lol!
Merry Christmas Exxotik!
I hate when my hands get sweaty too 😐 7:01
Time to practice the knife in AL and in br too
Jeez… that M21 EBR kill followed by that Arctic no scope at quite a range (for a no-scope at least)… wow lol. Gg
They took gun game off IOS
How come the enemies are so bad… They are worse then bots.
Accept me freind request me is Tim_azn no caps ok
The fastest way to win is basically spawn killing especially in map crash
Next best weapon for Zombie mode
I also love gun g
Waiting on the new vid 😰
Nice bro thanks for the video.
I am in pro 3 I wont to go to Mastter.
Any one would you like to help me.
My gaming name is Imu95.
Please send me a request bro.😋
I am wating….. 🤗🤗