It’s been a very long time since I made any kind of review of the co-op Special Ops mode of CoD Modern Warfare, with Warzone certainly taking the spotlight away. Well, with the Modified Spec Ops in the previous update 1.21, and before season 4 hits, I wanted to update the record, since I think it’s a very well made challenge variant that finally makes the operations feel worth playing.
I’ll give some general co-op tips, like quickly reviewing the best class, and doing a bit of a guide for the first two weeks of Crosswind and Brimstone. The current highlighted mission is most likely a different one when you watch this since they rotate weekly, but you can hopefully apply similar strategies to all missions. The mode still may lack true replayability, but this is an excellent fun way to add some optional difficulty, and a solid reason to check in each week.
0:00 – Intro
0:31 – The history of Special Ops through the seasons
3:58 – Thoughts on the new modified spec ops
5:48 – Veteran mission tips
7:23 – Crosswind Veteran quick look (week 1)
8:53 – Brimstone Veteran quick walkthrough (week 2)
12:39 – Summary of Veteran challenge thoughts
13:32 – Replayability?
14:56 – Daily challenges
16:13 – Summary of the state of spec ops, & MW2
18:09 – Wrap-up, Season 4 soon
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Sucks the modified missions don't rotate anymore
Just found this mode, it’s still very challenging. Saw a dude lvl 1000, still down a lot haha
Special ops doesn’t have split screen, neither does survival.
Spec ops is stil trash, infinite spawning enemies with buff damage ,constant helicopters and juggernauts, and rpgs, etc. Its trash i wanted to try to get the liberation trophy to platinum my game and now I feel like its impossible. I had no other motivation to play this shitty game mode, whoever made this only made it for bots and elite players I hate infinity ward for doing this
Make it single to four player option
It would have replay value if you weren't forced to use the same loadout every freaking time…
When I learned about the riot shield spec ops became easy. In survival modes the jug suit makes you unstoppable since enemies can barely scratch you before you shred them while sitting in a corner. You can go as long as you want than and you'll have so much money you can buy another or mix it up with other streaks.
This exactly happened to me. 17:36
5:28–5:34 That is until Operation Paladin Modified Veteran came out…..(grim gasp and quiver).
It was so hard for that one: the Blue Bayou. It might have been the hardest thing I've had to beat in a video game, especially with randoms.
Of course I still haven't beaten Battletoads and it's been like over 25 years, and when I do it will obviously replace it, needless to say. But for the time being, the Blue Bayou camo was probably the hardest.
is it still available for download?
I might pick up this game now
I remember they lied about splitscreen
Not to be weird but I literally just subscribed because your voice is so nice on the ears lol 😂 outside of that, excellent review!
Seems like Destiny Strikes. Decent.
2021 I still play spec ops. I find games every day with a shit ton of people still playing it. Classic spec ops is tougher to find games but survival and special operations are good. I like it and black ops Cold War is out.
Soo i was considering getting it just for a coop night. I'm still a bit confused about the availibility of spec ops in COD : MW Remastered, is there spec ops? And can you play split screen ? Thanks
Is there anyone still playing? I could only find one match
Cool Co.op its on Homefront : The Revolution – Resistance Co-op mode Super underrated
Can someone tell me why I don't have the liberation achievement yet I did all 4 spec ops and I don't have the achievement
If you want a reward and find the challenge really hard, there is a cheese way, one of the teammates need to be super far away all the time just afk , so you can respawn
The first mission I think was the best, because when you have to board the plane, you have to shoot the other cars trying to stop you as a passenger
You will complete all the missions and put them in a single video?
Subbed because of the last words, real homie hours
Here a tip dont waste your time it's incredibly hard and all you get is a gun blueprint for a gun that sucks
Spec Ops is actually the one place in MW where you don't have to worry about hackers, sweaties, meta or ping, you can farm those crappy weapons you will never dare use in mutliplayer and you actually need teamplay to get through, which in turn makes you feel you are actually playing a military game rather than chicken-run vs laid-back camp.
Never played spec ops because I heard it wasn’t worth the download but seeing some gameplay and some of those cutscenes are kinda making me wanna try it
"just to prove it's not nostalgia, trials are fun!, it feels like old spec ops!"