New perks, guns, maps, scorestreak, lethals, etc!
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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 11 (2020)
Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro
Record Using: Elgato 4k60
Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop
#CodMobile #CODM #COD #Mobile #MobileGaming
SO MUCH NEW STUFF BRO!! Livestreaming all of it now!
Link is broken
Best perk video, please!
As val is good i got a 30 kill streak with it 😀
Its not accpeting more people
I have 90% support, but I don’t have ULTRA
Im a samsong mobile player and i dident see it =(
How did you get it
How do you get on the test servers
Imagine playing mobile games 🤦♂️
120 fps
Sadly the diamond isn’t a glitch and it will remain that color
Codm lang malakas
They feel different cuz the animations were tuned
The diamlnd isnt glitched
Mah man didn't know diamond was changing to pink diamonds
6:33 I love smell of napalm in the morning
The Asus ROG Phone 3 is the best mobile device out right now. Also the Galaxy Tab s7 can play in very high/ultra settings on the test server unlike the iPad. I have both and I equally love my iPad as much as my Tab s7 but it's the resolution is better and it runs smoother. Weird because the iPad did show alot stronger in every test category. Now for the Asus ROG Phone 3 this is the phone you want to play with. I recommend spending the 1200 on it. That piece of junk sony they were all hyping up is trash. Seriously! I also recommend getting the tab s7 cuz it like 150-200 cheaper. I don't know why people with iPad and iPhone think there shit is the best and your poor if you don't play on one. Don't believe that shit cuz they lease the phone just like everyone else who can't pay outright. Oh yeah the game is still a lil boring. I dont get paid by any of them I'm just keeping it 💯. Alright then
It gets old fast. Over hyped
How long until the update is out
It's like rainbow six siege now but you can't wall bang
It needs to update but why?!
Bruh i play on iphone X on very high graphics and very high framerate and ur ipad is the best? I dont get lag af all you good?
I ment test server
Yay new kiss server
Just bring back overkill perk
hold up nothing loke this came😡
I like the pink diamond