Call of Duty

The most INSANE AR In CODM History… (ASM10 Guide) | Call of Duty Mobile | Tips and Tricks

CODM really needs to nerf this thing….

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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)

Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro

Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card

Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop

Intro Music: RUDE – Eternal Youth

#CodMobile #CODM #COD #Mobile #MobileGaming

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  1. The ASM10 is lowkey nutty in Season 7. I've won gunfights against top guns more often with this gun.( I've outgunned Kn44, PDW, HBR, ICR, and cordite players basically. )

  2. Their needs to be a review of guns used gamed on actual mobile phones. I swear these guns recommend by guys that play on tablets suck on mobile!

  3. Looks like Activision did a ghost nerf on the ASM10. They lowered the fire rate to match MOW, giving it the same TTk and damage range as the afore mentioned MoW. At least lower fire rate seems to have made it less recoil.

  4. Ill be honest i been having a hard time in cod mobile. Lately i been having lets just say a bad luck streak recently to put it nicely.when i started out i wasn't like this getting killed pretty often after getting a killed or respawning.look im realistic don't get me wrong i know at some point im gonna get gunned down but when it happens often or too fast its annoying to say the least.if i had hair i would yank my hair out of frustration due to poor performance on my part.i don't use snipers or shotguns they are too slow for me in firing and etc. This is my style of playing and etc
    1)i like to move fast but not too
    Fast that its hard to aim and control movement or gun
    2)after getting multiple kills as much as Possible i do take cover and hide somewhat to recover and get ready
    3)i do my best to find the least crowded and less infested areas with enemy players to catch them off guard or reduce being shot to death
    4)i find moving my character on mobile and touch screen actions to a certain extent hard.its hard due to the following:1)oily fingers, 2)too much friction that i have to press hard or touch n move the the action buttons hard.
    5)enemy players tend to one shot me and it takes like a whole clip to kill them at times.
    6)i use the bk57 i like that gun. I tried to use the ak47 but good lord does it have a lot of recoil. Any ideas on what i should change or do?

  5. I feel like the ASM10 got a nerf after the update, it feels like a 5 shot kill now. So for me for the new creeper king AR, it's a toss up between the ASM10, ICR-1, HVK30, KN44, LK 24 and even the BK 57 feels good in the hands too. Any chance for a best AR in the game after the update vid?

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