No realm has nearly as far-reaching of a reputation as Moon Guard (US), but does this reputation actually match what’s actually going on?
Check out my stuff!
Thank you to the Kingdom of Gilneas guild for their help in creating this video!
Fireworks Show Footage provided by Christine
0:00 Intro
0:40 The ‘Secret’ Of Moon Guard
1:06 Moon Guard 101
2:24 What Makes Moon Guard Special
3:08 My Experience
5:18 The Message
6:11 Get in on this!
7:03 Outro
the "total rp 3" addon would probably be something to download for this server if you havent already! i plan to check this place out soon now
Moon Guard is my home. I wish there was an equal for it in classic cata.
While I'm on the EU equivalent Argent Dawn, honestly one of the liveliest places in WoW. We don't rely on new content as we roleplayers create our own, thats the beauty of it. Some of the nicest people I've ever met has been through wow roleplay, and honestly I only still play the game just for the rp with said friends. We use our own modified D and D system so your analogy was well said.
Its not just weird goldshire ppl that make up our servers.
Don't knock it till you try it.
keep an eye out for Herbvendor in stormwind, his drug dealing is heinous
I have a level 20 character on Moonguard just to insult the losers in the inn and watch what the RPers do and talk about, just that is entertainment
Back when Moon Guard launched, Alliance Side, the best RPers were invited to regroup on the new server.
So we flocked there.
Thats why it has the reputation it does.
as a moonguard player i love goldshire. its very fun to look at the deranged RP profiles. Also ive met some of the people there and they are dope.
I was on Wyrmrest Accord, the "one other major rp server", during shadowlands when I peaced out for a while. However upon returning to the game for Dragonflight, I found that the alliance-side rp on the server pretty much crumbled and most the population jumped ship to Moon Guard. T'was a major bummer.
My wow career would have ended after vanilla classic if not for moonguard.
MG is sharded, just not in capital cities.
Also this video is only Alliance side, Horde side is basically dead.
My gift to you is this msg
ITS GOING TO 20 X very soon
Then 100 X then 400 X
Money in the BANK WILL VANISH!!!!!! Please SHARE
this is so sick and wholesome
you sound like you'd be a furry
I've played on Moon Guard for many years, and a fishing trip sounds lovely! The guild you joined sounds like some wholesome folks as well. I have not done RP in ages, but I would like to spectate more RP events. Worgen for the win!
As a long-time Wyrmrest Accordion, I can say from experience that you get out of an RP server what you put into it.
Sure, there will always be the "Goldshires," trolls, harassment, ERP, and elitists. And if you wait around for people to come to you, you're likely to be disappointed. But if you put the effort in to make friends and find a group that's of like mind, it's some of the most fun you can have in a video game.
Sounds lot like Neverwinter nights RP servers, would recommend them
nice server. sticky floors though
As someone who started playing on Moonguard, every other realm feels dead to me. I couldn’t imagine ever playing on any other realm, it’s just not WoW.
Got back into WoW for the first time in years, joined Moonguard since that's where an irl friend is. Been having a nostalgia blast while enjoying some rp. I love seeing everyone around town and stuff, sometimes just enjoining a few drinks at a tavern while people-watching~
Eu player here. We have Argent Dawn.
Moonguard player here, thanks for doing our little server justice <3
moon guard repping here
This kind of community is what I miss from old wow.
I've been roleplaying on Moon Guard since TBC. There are almost no survivors of that time left. Everyone else has moved on from the game. But there are new people (or old people with new characters) and the community continues to endure despite blizzards best efforts to kill the game with bad lore
I used to play in emerald dream bitcoin
Its the perfect server for people watching
Stormwindis a vibrant, bustling city. Orgrimmar is a ghost town.Shout out to KoG Kingdom of Gilneas…best Alliance guild on the server.