This is a really useful tactic, albeit quite expensive. If you can do this in the final circle/end game, you’ll almost be guaranteed an easy win.
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Curtis McDaniel, Jeremy Duncan, Daniel Weller, Julio Fernandez, Adam Nielsen, Richard Wilson, Gordon Weaver, David James, Jake Morgan, Bryce Gergely, Harry Whitehead, QuantumSchema, Mike Casuncad, Gregory Cave, Daniel Weller, Jens-Christian Holm
‘★$50 Level: YouTube Link!
– Daniel Weller:
I’m only here because i just watched a YouTube kill a duos team and ONE guy dropped an advanced UAV. I was sure this was the only method so how can two people carry it???
what song is in the beginning of the video ?
i remember watching you all the time a couple years
Its atavipus stepwise
Hi im a YouTube too
Will ever upload a cod vid again
You will probably not see this but if you do please bring back the cod videos even because I recently switched and you are great with tips and tricks so please make more cod videos if you can
Could someone answer this though. Does this negate the ghost perk?
Do i need to buy advance UAV every time that i wants to use or is just one time buy them my buy station doesn't have UAV selection for buy please help thank you
A see YouTube's carrying like 2 or 3 UAVs at the once ? How is this possible and i can only carry 1 ? can't find a video on this
Now 4 starts a counter UAV
Thank you soooooooo much 😀🙏
can u do it in duos ?
An advanced UAV is a 12 killstreak
A regular UAV is a 4 killstreak
To get an Advanced UAV in warzone you need 3 regular UAVs
4 times 3 is 12
Coincidences right?
Got any tips on how to get vehicle kills or assists? I'm stuck on that challenge!
You didn't build , lol! J/K , That was a funny ending. 😃😁
FYI: one person can do this one their by purchasing and activating three UAV’s in a row.
to get this game do I need to purchase modern warfare and if so which one is it
Is this game free?
Oh wait it's by EA
Now this battle royale has totally shaken up cod for me, the battle royale in bo4 i didnt really care for.
I like the reference to Thunder with the “spicy red Dorito chips”
Looking for people with a mic to play with THE-JPC
Best tip
Ayyy 🙌🏾🙌🏾
r.i.p. ending.
So When It's Call of Duty It's Peanut Butter Tabortime Banana But When Its Fortnite Or a Vlog It's Super Saiyan Tabor Banana?
Use Code TaborTime All One Word Resets 14 Days
Welcome back to COD. The challenge chasers miss you.
Holy shit my mind is actually blown
Does ghost cancel it
Surprised you can’t use Cod points in this mode 😂
Every human being starts out as an asshole: it's the first part of the body to form in the womb.
Nice video tabor