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New Stable UI Incoming and Engineering Potion Bombs! Saturday WoW News

The Dark Heart patch for World of Warcraft is nearly here, and with it is coming a big improvement to the Hunter stable! Also discussing the Engineering Potion Bombs coming in the War Within, MoP Remix questions and more . This show includes discussion of the WoW news of the week and answering questions. If you have any questions that you’d like answered in a Saturday News, include the word ‘question’ and leave them as comments!

WoW Patch 10.2.7 Notes:

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0:00 – new Stable UI in Patch 10.2.7
1:48 – May Trading Post
2:17 – Northrend Cup is Here
3:00 – Legacy Tier Tokens Becoming Warbound
4:24 – what I’ve been up to
5:02 – what pets are coming in remix
5:50 – what to level in remix?
6:48 – Transmog from Quests in WW

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  1. Hi Hazel! Question: Have you heard anything about new class/race combo’s coming in The War Within? I’m still hoping for a tiny Paladin (she will be named Laladin) and a tiny Druid (Minimorph).

    As much as I look forward to leveling a couple of alts in Pandaria, I kind of feel like I already have all the currently available combinations that I want. It would feel a bit odd to level a bunch of new alts in the Timerunning event, only to get new class/race combo’s in TWW and having to do it all over again in a few weeks/months!

  2. Question: How do you talk yourself into maining a new character in WW? I've been maining a ret pally every expansion since Cata and feel bad playing new expansions with an alt

  3. I am a little bit confused about the collecting of quest rewards regardless of what character is turning in the quest in that, will armor types, cloth, leather, mail, plate still be transmog specific to the wearer or are they going to fully wipe out the uniqueness of classes transmogs and just make it a free for all? Because if that's the case, it would be a bad thing for say cloth wearers to be able to transmog plate, visa versa, etc.

  4. Hi Hazel,
    Question: I've been farming Argus for 5 years trying to get the tmog appearance of Taeshalach and the 2 Sythes. Since these are appearances that drop for 2h sword/polearm users and not actual weapons, do you know if non-2h users can get them to drop once War Within comes out?

  5. I wish Engineers were given an item that they could craft and sell that was like the old Mongoose pot… except, like it augmented your class's main stat … like adds 10% more AP Warriors or something…and it would be something that's not cheap to make either.. They could sell for like 100gold each…so when you use it, it is meaningful and powerful…not to be wasted, but will absolutely improve an outcome.

  6. Yes! Finally a stable that is amazing to play with and usable like a mount tab etc. The reason I never played a hunter was because they didn't had a good an usable collection tab for it like you have with your mounts. This is the most amazing thing that is going to come to WOW for me!

  7. Wait, so are we going to get alternate class/spec reward appearances from quests now? Be cause getting all offered reward Xmogs had been in game for a while now. So if my hunter takes the boq, he gets the appearance of the dagger and the staff that is offered as well. But right now he will not be granted say, the wand that my priest is offered completing the same quest, since it isnt offered to hunters

  8. Question: On the Legacy tier tokens, do we know if that is something that is only going to apply to tokens got after the change or can we start farming now?

  9. I'm not gonna lie, I never checked out the cups at all because I thought they were just some for fun races with no real reward. After seeing the mog you can get I'll actually go do It haha, appreciate you showing this.

  10. I have Spirit Beasts that I spents days and sometimes weeks to farm on my first Hunter. I am all for having Hunter pets account wide in a collection tab because that is something I will never want to do again but would still like to show my past efforts off on the Hunters I have on the few other realms I play on.

  11. Question: Regarding Hunter pets, do you prefer the way pet specs are now, where each creature type is locked, or would you rsther see them go back to how it used to be, where you could pick what spec your pet was? I feel locked out of so many cool creature types because they're Cunning spec, which isn't very useful in PvE. My Troll misses having Raptors!

  12. I was so happy about finally getting a "stable UI", to replace the unstable UI we've been dealing with for all these years. What a terrible disappointment.

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